Protection Through Love

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Location Submission
We can't be everywhere at once. We are going to have to pick a place to be, at any given moment in our life. We may be scheduled to be at a place where God doesn't want us. We may be at a place where God originally wanted us to be but now wants us to leave, as in the case of Philip in Samaria. This may not be a place that is evil, sinful, or has potential to influence us to sin. We may be in a place where the spiritual climate is neutral or even very godly. However, if God wants us someplace else, we are currently in the wrong place. The full armor of God is capable of helping us know when we are staying someplace where God doesn't want us. It will also help us find out where God does want us.

Your Next Location Assignment
Acts 8:39-40 (NIV) When they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord suddenly took Philip away, and the eunuch did not see him again, but went on his way rejoicing. Philip, however, appeared at Azotus and traveled about, preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached Caesarea.

Once the Holy Spirit finished that work, He had other plans for Philip. We may not get this dramatic of a form of transportation to our next assignment. But, our next assignment will be just as important to God. The question we have to answer is, are we always where God wants us to be? If not, are we willing to align our location with God's plan. We have a will, we want to go to certain places, we have opinions where we think we should be all during the day, and we often don't submit those geographical plans to God. Opening up the doors of communication to God and closing the doors of communication to the devil helps. That process helps us cut off sin (doing bad things to ourselves and others) and open up to righteousness (doing good things to ourselves and others). The big issues of good and evil have been dealt with and you are heading in the right direction in that area. However, in Ministerial Spiritual Warfare we have to get down to the individual specifics of some very small details. Where does God want us every moment of every day? To find that out we are going to have to pray some very specific prayers.
We will have to yield to some very specific directions from God. This will take our day away from us. It will put our day in the hands of God. Then Jesus will start doing His ministry in and through us.

Putting Your Location Plans In God's Hands
James 4:13-15 (NIV) Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."

We have to leave all doors open to what location we will be at in any given time. When we start making plans for where we are or aren't going to be, is the moment when we cut the will of God out of our travels. Travel plan flexibility becomes vital when we give our location over to God.

Our life won't most likely start out like Philip or Ananias. God doesn't typically take us into an area of spiritual growth all at once. He is very gentle. He always uses procedures that don't generate fear. If He does expose us to something that typically causes us humans to be afraid, He will immediately tell us not to be afraid. That statement will instill peace in our heart. The first step to being where God wants us to be is to ask God to help us start being where He wants us. Let's start with a prayer each day asking God to direct us. We will need to lay our calendar and our map before Him and ask Him to help us be where He wants us to be. Then we need to lay our schedule for that day before Him and ask Him to show us when He wants us to be there. Little by little we will start to see Him direct our paths during each day.

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