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Bible Life
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We recommend Bible Life University as a way for you to continue to grow spiritually and to help others who are struggling with the types of things you have been dealing with.
  • Year One is called “Beginning” and will help you continue to grow into new areas of spiritual power and victorious Christian living. It shows you how to use “Devotions With Jesus” to help your Christian friends grow in their relationship with God.

    It teaches you how to work with people who have mild to moderate personal and spiritual problems. It helps you become a mentor who is able to help others through the breakthroughs you have experienced. It also provides you with Mentor Devotions so you can continue to grow spiritually.

  • Year Two is called “Growing” and takes the subjects you have just studied through HELP eMagazine and shows you how to share them with your friends. It explains how to use the magazine’s material that brought healing for you and be able to help your friends experience healing as well.

    It guides you in a step-by-step manner teaching you how to use everything you learned and bless the lives of others with it.
    It teaches you how to work with people who have moderate to sever personal and spiritual problems. You will not only be able to help people who have similar problems as the ones you went through, you will be able to help hurting people who are suffering with issues you have never gone through.

    It trains you in such a way that you will be able to help people of ALL walks of life. It helps you become a minister who is able to help others through the Biblical training you have learned and applied to your own life.

  • Year Three is called “Maturing” and takes the life of Jesus and goes through the first part of the book of Matthew. It helps you yield to the Holy Spirit so He can take the life and ministry of Jesus and put them in you and then cause them to flow through you. It shows you how to help people get involved in changing your world with the life, message, ministry, and methods of Jesus. It teaches you how to be a World Changer so you can start helping get the message of Jesus to everyone everywhere.
Go to the top or bottom of this page and select the “Bible Life University” button and read all that it is offering you and the people around you. You will not be disappointed you did.

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