Protection For Others

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Protecting Those Not Yet Ready
Third, the full armor of God becomes a protective barrier between Satan and new or immature believers in Christ: If new and immature believers are left unprotected, they will get mauled by the devil. They can find themselves unchanged as it relates to actually living what the Bible teaches. They will want to do godly things but not do them. They will want to stop doing worldly things but not be able to. The confusion and desperation that will ensue can do major damage to them. Unprotected Christians can actually spiral downward in their spiritual condition and life. We who have our full armor on must be willing to stand in between them and all of these attacks.

The Belt of Truth makes sure that we are living and teaching new and immature Christians The Truth about God and His character; and, that we are undoing misinformation in them.

The Breastplate of Righteousness makes sure we are showing the new and immature Christian God's true character, by example and training. And it makes sure that we are helping them to learn to live it.

The Gospel of Peace shoes makes sure we are proclaiming the gospel to the lost in front of these new and immature disciples. And, it makes sure we are training them the true message of the Christ without contaminates.

The Shield of Faith makes sure the lies of Satan don't get through to the new and immature Christians. It provides God's power to them from our life. They will experience God's supernatural power in their life and in their circumstances. These miracles will be far beyond anything they will be ready to believe for or typically receive on their own. From these experiences they will start to believe God for His sized work in and through them.

The Sword of the Spirit makes sure that the plans and efforts of Satan are not implemented against the new or immature Christian. It also attacks the misinformation that people and Satan have taught them.

Babies Aren't Very Mature
These people make a lot of unbiblical decisions. They have Biblical concepts mixed in with worldly philosophies. Human effort on their part is the rule rather than a unique incident. Their doors are open, in a lot of areas, to Satan and closed, in a lot of areas, to God.
They are tossed like the waves of the sea, they are double-minded, they are carnal, and they trust their instincts. When we talk to them, we are often amazed as they tell us what they believe or think about things. If it were not for the grace and mercy of God, these people would be destroyed in a minute. Fortunately, their salvation has been credited to their account.

If their lives were a representation of what their relationship with God was, they would be very lost and without God. Anytime we have a person who wants to do good and doesn't do it, we have a person who doesn't look like a Christian. Then when You add the fact that they want to stop doing bad and continue doing it, you really have a person who doesn't look like our definition of a Christian, new or immature. God loves them and has accepted them into His family. The Holy Spirit is confirming with their spirit that they are a child of God. However, they look like either a hypocrite or a liar. This is where we come in.

Okay, It's Time To Start Learning How To Walk
We are going to protect them from the flaming arrows of the devil while taking them through the various stages of spiritual growth. Step by step we will be able to help them start living like a real Christian. All the principles we have learned and are now applying to our life will be taught to them. Through the examples of our life and the teachings of our mouth we will be able to gradually turn them into victorious Christians.

As they grow and change, their life will become more and more of a testimony to the people around them. Up to now, people have just had to take their word for it. The only real draw they had on the people around them was their joy. They found something that they wanted everyone to get. Even though they weren't living much of Christianity as it related to sin (hurting the people around them) and righteousness (helping the people around them), they were extremely happy and most of them are typically extremely evangelistic. Like the woman at the well, we allow them to go ahead and invite people to come to Jesus. But, we don't let their simple testimony be the end of what their friends are told. We, like Jesus, share the Biblical aspects of what the excited person is sharing. Then like in the case of the Samaritans, they will believe for themselves and not just because someone told them about it. New and immature Christians cannot be left alone to their own devices. Mature Christians must always be close by ready to protect them and take them to the next level. Those people who eventually got the deeper message from Jesus, came by being invited by someone who had a lot less spiritual knowledge than Jesus did.

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