The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Problem”

A Major Problem
You are looking at the “Finding The Right Problem” course. This is a study that Jesus can use to help you identify the problem that is bothering you the most. And, it needs to be a problem that will motivate you enough to start “doing what it takes” to become a powerful, trained, skilled, and mature child of God.

He can help you identify four things about the problem that is bothering you the most:
  1. He can help you pinpoint the major thing that is doing the most damage.

  2. He can help you identify the problem that is causing most of the other problems.

  3. He can help you decide which problem needs to be worked on first.

  4. He can help you pick the problem that will motivate you to build a close relationship with Him.

The Problem That Is Doing
The Most Damage
You may have a problem or issue that you don’t think about all that much. It may not be one that causes you the most concern; but, when you bring it to Jesus in prayer, He may show you that it is actually doing the most damage to the rest of your life. Even if you have accepted it as the way things are for you, that doesn’t mean Jesus can’t fix it. The big issue is, what is messing up your life the most? That is the one you need to consider getting Jesus’ help with. Stop for a moment and ask Jesus to show you which problem or issue, in your life, is doing the most damage to you and those around you.

The Problem That Is Causing Most Of
The Other Problems
As you look over all the other problems and issues you face, spend some time praying and asking Jesus to help you see what problem in your attitudes, character, behavior, and relationships is causing most of your other problems. Let Him show you that if you didn’t have that problem or issue, you wouldn’t be having to deal with these other ones. Often there is a root cause that keeps generating a lot of those things you keep having to deal with. Once you and Jesus have identified this root cause, it will help you decide where to start your studies.
The Problem That Needs To Be
Worked On First
Let Jesus Decide
Some problems are so invasive that they just can’t be put off. They are so predominate and obvious that they interfere with everything else. You can have an issue that interfers with everything you try to do. You may have some other problems and issues that you would like to deal with first; but, this dominate problem gets in the way of them. Ask Jesus which problem He wants you to work on first.

The Problem That Motivates You
To Get Jesus’ Help
Jesus Heals Them All
The great thing about allowing Jesus to help you with your problems and issues is, He can help you with them all at the same time. If you have a problem that just can’t be ignored, go ahead and deal with it. The principles Jesus will be teaching you, will show you how to get solutions and healings for all your other issues. Jesus just needs you to come to Him with “a problem.” When you come to Him with A PROBLEM, it helps you stay focused and interested in finding the solution. People who come to Jesus without a problem that they want Him to solve, will get distracted, bored, and too busy. Ask Jesus to help you identify and deal with a problem in your life that will hold your attention and help motivate you to study.

You are now ready to print the “Finding Your Main Problem Worksheet” so you can start isolating the issue that you and Jesus want to deal with first. You will be able to get this sheet by selecting the words “Please Select This For 'Finding Your Main Problem Worksheet;'” they are the blue words below. Be sure to print the “Finding Your Main Problem Worksheet” page so you can use it to work on.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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