The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Problem”

Getting Jesus’ HELP With Everything
Eliminating Problems
After you and Jesus find the word on your problem worksheet that best represents the area where you are struggling the most, You can mark that problem on your worksheet with a star. Your problem worksheet uses a process of elimination by helping you “X” out all but one problem.

The Problem That Motivates You
You may have several areas where you are struggling now or have been suffering in the past; but, your objective is to find the problem that is causing you the MOST trouble. Jesus will help you use the worksheet to locate this difficulty. Once you and He have found a problem that will motivate you, hold your attention, and keep you coming to Him, you will learn His principles that will help you start getting solutions to all those OTHER areas that are bothering you.

Learning Jesus’ Principles
After you have worked together with Jesus on the study that is dealing with the problem that you and He have decided is bothering you the most, you won’t have to go back and start a new study that deals with other issues in your life. That is because Jesus uses this one study, that is dealing with your major issue, and will be giving you the PRINCIPLES that will help you win over ALL the other things that are bothering you.

Two Tools
There are two things Jesus can use to help you find out what is your most difficult problem and how to solve it; they are the “Finding Your Main Problem Worksheet” made available here and the “Study List” that will be presented in “Finding The Right Study” later. Jesus wants to lead you into finding this problem because our needs cause us to come to Him for help.

How Jesus Helps You Identify Your Problem
As you talk to Jesus about what He sees as your main problem or issue, He will help ideas come up in your mind that will aid you in picking the right one. He will also give you emotions that cause you to feel the right way about them. Just ask Jesus to give you the reasons and the feelings that you need. Ask Him to assist you in choosing the one that will best help you learn His principles.
The Problem That Teaches You The Most
Only Jesus Knows
Who knows which problem in your life will help you grow in spiritual power with Jesus the most? Who knows which problem will get and keep your attention on Jesus the most? Who knows which problem will open your mind to the teachings and principles of Jesus the most? Who knows which problem will introduce you into a relationship with Jesus that will bless you the most? Jesus is the only One Who can REALLY direct you in the right direction on this matter.

Let Jesus Motivate You
Jesus knows you better than you know yourself; He knows what will help you be motivated with the strongest motivations; He knows what will provide you with the best issues to learn the most; and, He knows what He wants you to learn first so you can build on that training.

Back To The Worksheet
Jesus Has A Plan For You
If you picked ADDICTION, for example, on the “Finding Your Main Problem Worksheet” and you get the impression that, that wasn’t the one Jesus wanted you to pick, you can always go back and choose another study. Jesus has allowed you to experience special problems, issues, and circumstances. He is shaping, training, and growing you in a very wonderful direction. He will be giving you talents, gifts, skills, strengths, and abilities that will empower you to get involved in the special plan He has for you.

Jesus’ General Study Helps Specific Issues
If the Problem Words on the “Finding Your Main Problem Worksheet” don’t appear to address your life issue, then use the “LIFE” study and Jesus will help you with your most difficult issue in a more general way. Jesus will use the materials in the “LIFE” study to help you learn His Biblical principles. He will help you apply them in such a way that you will still get the training you need. He will see to it that you can apply the general training to the specific need you have. But, only use the “LIFE” subject in a situation where you and Jesus can’t find your specific issue.

Jesus Has To Teach You
After you have moved on into the “Finding The Right Study,” feel free to spend as much time as you need praying and getting familiar with the studies that look like they are addressing the problem that is bothering you the most. Once you and Jesus have found the one that is dealing with your problem, you will be ready to start your studies. Just ask Jesus to help you learn all the Bible principles so you can work together with Him to win at life.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
To choose another day, select the “Finding The Right
Problem” words above.

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