The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Problem”

Using The Study List To
Help You Decide
More Help With Picking A Problem
If you decide to browse through the “Study List” on the next page, you may find a study that seems to address your problem better. Some problems may be represented from various different names. If you find a study that seems to work better, just change your problem over to that name. Then on that problem subject you can select the “MORE” button and read the expanded definition on that subject. If it looks like Jesus will be addressing your problem better in that study, don’t worry about changing the name of your problem. Go ahead and change to the different problem name; and, Jesus will use the same principles to bring healing, blessings, and power to the new name of your old problem.

The Study Descriptions Help
The emotional problems of guilt, fear, loneliness, depression, hopelessness, and anger can represent different moments in your life. Depending on what you are facing and being challenged with in life, you can find the emotions of your heart being expressed in many different ways. The study definitions can help you see which study will be best for you. Picking the right study is more important than trying to pick the right name for your problem. If you can get involved in a study that best addresses what you are going through, then that will bring the best help from Jesus.

Ready To Start Your Study
Just allow Jesus to help you see how far you have come already. You now have a problem that you can bring to Jesus that will help you experience His power and love. If you weren’t able to come to Him with a problem, you would probably never find out about His greatness. Everyone hates problems; but, Jesus takes your problems and turns them into blessings, training, and victorious Christian living. Hating problems doesn’t make them go away; bringing them to Jesus empowers you to believe that you WILL be victorious over everyone of them.

Rom 8:28 (NIV) And we know that in ALL THINGS God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. God forces your problems to end up working for your good. Most people’s problems are pushing them into bad situations. But, with Jesus on your side, your problems are taking you into incredible training that will teach you how to live The Victorious Christian Life.

Start Your Study With God’s Power-Emotions
Emotions From God’s Holy Spirit
Gal 5:22-23 (NIV) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Pray and ask Jesus to give you these emotions; if you allow Him to fill your heart with these kinds of feelings, your studies will take on a much better tone. You might want to jot down this Scripture reference so you can keep looking at what it is you are praying for. These emotions are much more powerful than happiness or human excitement.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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