Understanding Fear Issues

The Cure Issue
Your System For Handling Fear Difficulties
What do you do about your struggle with fear that is coming into your life? Do you dread it? Get frustrated with it? Try to force your way through it? Try to reason with yourself and try to convince yourself that it isn’t logical. Do you try to chear yourself up? Do you just ignore it and try to go on with your life? Or, do you just yield to it and let it control you? Your approach to handling fear issues makes all the difference in what kind of success you will have with being set free from them.

Jesus’ System For Handling Fear Difficulties
Mat 11:28 (NIV) Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. There will always be things you can’t control; you will always find yourself faced with the unknown as it relates to the future. No one can ever make their life so safe that nothing bad can ever happen to them. Freedom from fear issues and feeling completely safe will never come through your efforts to make your life safe and secure.

Jesus is inviting you to turn to Him for help. He is the Creator of the heart. He has supernatural power that can make adjustments to your heart. When you pray, you are inviting Jesus into whatever is bothering you. Jesus is saying in Matthew 11:28 that He is interested and willing to help you with this issue. But, He is letting you know that YOU must come to Him. If you are wondering why He isn’t doing something, it is because you haven’t come to Him using the appropriate way.

How Do You Come To Jesus?
You may feel like you have already come to Jesus for His help. You may have prayed; you may have read some Christian books on the subject; you may have ask other Christians to pray for you; you may have gone in for counselling; or, you may have gone to church to see if maybe that would help. And, it is good that you did all those things; but, Jesus expects His mature Christians to teach you how to “do what it takes” to get His help.

You have a problem that you want Jesus to help you with; BUT, Jesus has a goal that He wants for your life. What would you do if Jesus just instantly healed you? Would you start pursuing Him and the Bible with greater intensity? Or, would you thank Him very much and then go on back to the way you were living?

Jesus Wants A Relationship
Most people just want Jesus to meet their needs; and, once that happens, they thank Him and go back to meeting those needs THEY can handle. So, if Jesus refuses to help them, SOMETIMES, they will do what you are doing and try to find out why He isn’t responding to your prayers. Would you be willing to let Jesus use this fear issue to help motivate you into seeking a special relationship with Him?

Think About This
  • God loves you more than you love yourself. You were going to have to face something like this fear problem whether you became a Christian or not. If you had decided to not become a Christian, you would have had to go through this alone. But, since you ARE a Christian, Jesus is going through it with you.

  • God knows everything and can anticipate what you are going to need long before you need it. Everyone faces difficult things in this life; yours is fear. God knew you would need these studies and prayers and provided them for you so Jesus could bring healing to you from fear difficulties.

  • God is always with you and is always available to be your protection. Since you are traveling with Jesus through these studies and prayers, He will use them to help you start feeling His presents more and more.

  • God has all power and authority and can, therefore, keep bad things from happening to you. Your definition of bad things is different than God’s. You are going through a DIFFICULT thing but not a bad thing; this difficult thing will help you get Biblical principles that will bring great success to your life. If you hadn’t joined Jesus in these studies and prayers so as to deal with your fear issues, all the wonderful training you are getting wouldn’t be transforming your life.

  • God knows your future and can steer you away from those things that would have hurt you. You have no idea how many things God has kept from happening to you that would have hurt you. It is impossible for you to appreciate them because you don’t know what they are. But, just know that God IS protecting you from BAD things.

  • God has all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and uses them to make sure you get the very best of everything. God is forcing your experiences, circumstances, and issues to work together for your good. Things may look bad at the moment, but, the final chapter on them will end up working out for your good.

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Fear Issues
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