Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets

The Resource
Books, Prayer Studies,
And Worksheets
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It is very important for you to be able to work through various issues. Some things just can’t be analyzed and worked through without getting it down on paper. Once we can see all the issues involved, we can pray over each of them. We can get Jesus’ help rearranging them, eliminating some, adding others, and prioritizing them. Jesus has helped us put together various worksheets and records to help us keep important issues in front of us.

Each worksheet will help you deal with vital issues of life. They will help keep things straight in your mind and heart. As you take your journey through life, things like life-maps and record sheets tell you where you have been, where you are now, and where you are going next. They will help you see your future so you can cooperate with the journey. You will be able to see your progress and know that certain other issues will be dealt with soon enough.

Getting To The Worksheets
As you are going through the various courses, worksheets will be offered. But later, should you want one of those sheets for something else, it could be hard to remember where that worksheet was offered. All the worksheets can be found in this one place.

All you have to do is log onto and select the “HELP” navigation button on the Home Page. Then select the “Life-Map” words on the next page. After that just select the problem word on the gray bar that you have been working on; that will take you to your Life-Map. Scroll down to The Resources Courses and select “Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets.”

Both series study the same principles; but, they just use those principles with a slightly different emphasis. If you aren’t sure with series would be best for you, go ahead and select the “The Success In Life Series.” Most of us need to learn how to work with Jesus all during our day. However, both series will help you look to Jesus for success in life. Once you and Jesus have picked the right series for you, all you have to do is read the instructions on the book list page and you will be on your way to studying the Bible with Jesus.

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