Books, Prayer Studies, And Worksheets

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Books, Prayer Studies,
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Books For Successful Living

Two Special Series: Welcome to “Books For Successful Living;” it is a list of dynamic books that help you grow spiritually. There are two very similar series in this program because there are two main categories of people; there are those who work in a secular career most of the time and those who don’t. Jesus uses the “Success In Life Series” for those who are starting their careers or are still very active in it. The “Starting Your Day With Jesus” series has the same basic material; but, it addresses the retired and those in the ministry.

The “Success In Life Series” addresses the subject of success as it relates to business, marriage, family, friendships, and life in general. The “Starting Your Day With Jesus” series addresses the subject of victorious Christian living in marriage, family, friendships, and life in general; it leaves out the issue of your career, business, or succeeding in general world activities.

“The Success In Life Series”
Progressive Training
Both series are progressive studies that start with “The Jesus Life” book; Jesus uses all these books to build your spiritual growth into a mature, adult child of God. Now, let’s take a quick look at the “Success In Life Series” book titles.

1. In “The Jesus Life” book, Jesus helps you see that He is your main goal, plan, and objective in all of life. He is your reason for living, being on this planet, and for getting ready for eterity. All the other books in both series deal with the tools and principles for living the success that comes through the Jesus life. Jesus uses them to take you into nine major steps into the how to’s of living a life of success through Jesus.

2. In “The Six Success Principles” book, Jesus gives you six mandatory things He requires of all humans. With these spiritual tools for life success, you will be able to take the principles in Jesus’ Book, the Bible, and get them functioning in your everyday life.

3. In the “Success Attitudes” book, Jesus gives you eight attitudes you must have or your mind and heart won’t be open to Him. These are doors that have to be open in your heart and mind or you won’t be able to succeed in life. Your goals, dreams, plans, and efforts will all be misdirected and futile.

4. In the “Getting Set Up For Life Success” book, Jesus teaches you that human effort and world training won’t work in Christianity. But, we all come into Christianity only having world training on how to apply human effort, skills, talents, and abilities. The world’s type of success leaves you empty, lonely, dissatisfied, and craving somethings you just can’t seem to find.

5. In the “Committing To A Life Of Success” book, Jesus teaches you how to live the Christian life through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is where you apply Three Tools Sets to your spiritual growth and start living through a whole new life-system. You will start succeeding in living all aspects of your life with power and skill.
6. In “The Seven Success-Building Questions” book, Jesus helps you know that life in Him is secure and powerful. This takes all those things up to this point that you have received from Jesus and empowers them with a trust, reliance, dependency, and faith. With this peace, faith, assurance, and satisfaction you succeed in life with great power.

7. In “The True Voice Of Success” book, Jesus teaches you how to tell the difference between His voice, the voice of your body, the voices of the world, and the voice of Satan. Once you get control over who or what you listen to, believe in, and allow to lead you, you will have purified all the incoming influences of your life.

8. In “The Power To Succeed” book, Jesus leads you into how to succeed at everything you do by yielding to God’s love. One of God’s biggest concerns is why you do what you do. You can do some of the greatest and nicest things for the wrong reasons. God doesn’t want us doing anything for selfish, self-centered reasons. We MUST only be involved in win/win business transactions, relationships, and situations.

9. In the “Success Through Faith In Truth” book, Jesus helps you get rid of all your previous world training and replace it with His training. You can’t succeed in any aspect of your life without Jesus’ life-principles. The reason Jesus’ words are called “truths” is because they are the ONLY true way life works. They literally are the facts, the reality, the actuality, the factors, and the truth of the matter. It is impossible to succeed if you base your life on things that aren’t true.

10. In the “Success Through God-Esteem And Confidence” book, Jesus helps you give up all other sources of esteem and confidence and allow your esteem and confidence be empowered by Him. Discouragement, fear, frustration, anger, hopelessness, and depression can come to us when we get our confidence and esteem from any other source than God. You will let yourself down; but, God won’t.

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