A New Life

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Power-Life Living Victoriously Devotions With Jesus Talking With Your Father Christian Fellowship

Your Path To
Healing From
Life’s Challenges
Through A New Life


Getting POWER To Deal With Life

There are two things to consider as you head toward a powerful life.
The reason a lot of people know what they should be doing but often fail at doing it, is because they lack power. You can get the power from God to start doing those things that will help you succeed at life and relationships.

When a person accepts Jesus as their Lord, Savior, and King, He gives them a new way of living life that is filled with His power. If you would like to learn about this new life of power, just click on the title to this paragraph or on the button below.
Some people already have accepted Jesus as their Lord, Savior, and King. This means they already have His power in their life; but, some of them are still struggling with may of life’s issues and relationships. This is because they have His power but haven’t applied themselves to studying the Bible that explains how to take advantage of it.

If you already have the power but are needing to learn how to use it, then click on the title to this paragraph or on the button below.
All you have to do is click on one of the two “statements” below that represents the area where you need help and you are on your way to the power to be free from the suffering of life and from many of the other issues that are hurting you.
Click On The Statement That Best Describes Your Desire

Please Explain This Life Of Power    How Do I Take Advangage Of This Power

Select The Statement That Best
Describes Your Desire

Please Explain This New Life I’m Ready To Receive This New Life

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