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Please Choose The Issue That Is Bothering You The Most
This list is for helping you get more information on each problem.
Once you feel you have found the problem:
1. that is bothering you the most,
2. that is causing other problems,
3. and needs to be dealt with first,
just select the word located in the gray bar with the problem in it
and it will get you started.

This is a look at general life’s problems we typically go through.

This study deals with reoccurring negative and hurtful feelings of guilt that have been created by mistakes we have made in life.

We will be looking at the emotional issue of fear and will be looking at the circumstances that cause people to be afraid.

If the major problem you face is the empty, dissatisfied feeling of being alone and without true friends, then this is the study you need.

Depression is different from just feeling down and discouraged. It is more like an attitude that dominates your feelings about everything.

You feel like it wouldn’t do any good to try to solve any of the problems and challenges you face. You just can’t seem to feel like your efforts would do any good.

It is an anger problem when we start reacting or responding to feelings of anger in a hurtful way. If we get mad and then hurt someone emotionally or physically because of it, then it is a serious problem.

When we start getting loans or establishing credit for too many things, that is a good indication that we have a problem with money. If your monthly payments become greater than your income, then you are in trouble.

But, it may also be an issue where uncontrollable circumstances have come your way. This study comes from various different directions as it deals with financial difficulties.

Addiction is a place where something we involved our self in starts to take control of our decisions. Even if you sincerely believe you are able to quit any time you want, you may have become addicted.

If you feel pain or negative emotions when you try to discontinue some activity, you are probably addicted to it. If you keep thinking about the pleasure you get from something and are frequently being pulled in, you probably need this study.

This isn’t a study about whether or not you should get a divorce. It is looking at the emotional crisis that takes place when a person is already divorced.

This study doesn’t deal with the rightness or wrongness of the divorce issue. It is working with the person and helping them to win over the trauma and devastation that comes from a divorce.

I Feel Guilty About Getting Divorced
If God is dealing with you about having gotten divorced and is saying that what you did was wrong, then you will need to go to the general LIFE study by selecting the “Life” word. It will take you into a study that will help you renew, repair, and improve your relationship with Jesus. If you are not sure whether the guilt you feel is from God, then you will need to go to the “Guilt” word on this page and ask Jesus whether or not you need Him to take you through that study.

Depending on what you and Jesus decide, either of these studies will help you with your relationship with God. They will teach you how to talk to Him and find out what His will is for your life.

Handling Your Mistakes
Sometimes we do things that are wrong; and, we do it knowing that God is against it. Then later, we try to straighten it out. Our method of “straightening” it out may cause as many problems for us as the wrong deed. Before you try to handle decisions you made concerning divorce, you need to take your situation before Jesus and let Him help you make the right one. Guilt, depression, assumptions, and human effort can take a bad situation and make it worse.

Don’t just decide you did wrong and then try to use your own methods to straighten it out. If you start feeling some kind of a correction coming from God, then learn how to respond to His correction by allowing Jesus to take you through this study. We all need His and the Bible’s help with straightening out things we may have done wrong. We who make mistakes can make even bigger mistakes when we try to fix a mistake.

The general “life” study will help with issues you are having with your conscience and with God. Another study that may be the answer to a breached relationship with God is the “spiritual” study. It deals very specifically with our relationship with our heavenly Father. Pray and ask Jesus if He wants you to join Him in the divorce study, the life study, or the spiritual study. Then spend time getting more information from this “Divorce” study, the “Spiritual” study, and the “Life” study.

Getting Back With A Spouse
If you are divorced, and God is dealing with you about going back to your spouse, and your spouse is willing to consider getting back with you, and it is something both of you are willing to work on, then read the description in the “Marital Issues” introduction below. Ask Jesus if He wants to take you through that study; see if He says it would help you get back together with your spouse.

Dealing With Divorce Issues
If you are divorced, and you know you are in a good relationship with God, and you are suffering from the divorce, and this suffering is the major issue you are facing, then this study with Jesus is the one that will help you the most. Just select the “Divorce” title in the gray bar above and it will take you to that study.


If you are divorced or separated but are trying to get back together, then this study will be helpful in showing you a way to build a happy and meaningful relationship with your spouse.

If you are still together and are struggling with your marriage and are needing God’s help in making it a better relationship, then this study will show you how to resolve your conflicts without hurting one another. It will show you how to address issues without making issues the main focus in your marriage.


This study helps those who are willing to use God’s principles to bring as much healing as is possible to the family.

All of the above studies are about human problems and pain. It is possible that you are not suffering so much with your own emotions or with human relationships as you are suffering with your relationship with God.

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