Welcome To World Changers TLC
Page Four

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The Bible Is Our Manual
Manuals help us get started using something that is new to us. If we read the manual, we can start off doing the right things from the very beginning. Most people are living life by a trial-and-error method. They make a lot of mistakes and suffer a lot of misery. Even if you learn from your mistakes, you will still be making a lot more mistakes in all of the new areas of your life.

You have learned how to follow the Bible for your life; you have learned how to listen to Jesus for the message you have been presenting to the people around you; you have even learned how to yield to Jesus so He can do His ministry in and through you; but, you still need to let Him teach you how to get involved in His methods for doing all these things. He will teach you how to do these things in such a way that they will have the potential for spreading around the world.
The Bible has started you off in the right direction for your own life. You have seen what it has been able to do for you and your friends. Now, let’s take a look at what it can do for the world you live in. Just like you didn’t have to learn life the hard way, you don’t have to learn how to help this world by using trial and error methods.

Jesus wants to show you how to get on the right path and start living life, presenting His message, doing His ministry, and using His methods by doing the right things. He created life and He caused a manual to be written so you can start winning at working with His people from now on. Start allowing Jesus’ Book to not only be your manual for the rest of your life, but also for the growing message you proclaim, and for the ministry you are yielding to, and also for the methods you use in being a part of His body.

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