The Spiritual Growth Programs For Life Issues
Where Are You In Your Spiritual Growth?
Below are four power studies and prayers that deal with you joining Jesus and His power-life. There is also a Devotions With Jesus study and prayer program for growing Christians. And, there is one Victorious Christian Living study and prayer program for mature Christians. If you have already determined which study/prayer course you want Jesus to help you with, select the blue title of that study. If you are undecided, select the “more” button under the study you think Jesus might want you to try. Be sure to get and print your Power Growth Record. |
I Am A New Christian Here are four great studies for the new Christian. “How Do I GET The Power-Life” is a good way for you to learn how to share your experiences with Jesus with your friends. “How Do I Keep The Power-Life” will help you learn how to apply the great things Jesus gave you. “How Do I LIVE The Power-Life” will help you with your relationships with others. And, “How Do I MATURE In The Power-Life” is a good study for advancing you from a new Christian into being a mature one. After you have decided which program you want to get involved in, select the blue question above the “more” button. |
I Have Been A Christian For A Few Years This takes the Devotional Program, “Devotions With Jesus,” and leads you into a short audio message, an outline to follow, and a written devotion for five days a week. It is a very powerful and wonderful devotional system that helps you get fed on a daily basis. Your spirit person needs spiritual food as much or more than your body needs physical food. After you have decided which program you want to get involved in, select the blue question above the “more” button. |
I Am A Mature Christian This is a very powerful study and prayer system that Jesus uses to provide you with spiritual food on a daily basis that in a much more advanced level. Seldom can you find this kind of mature studies and prayers that meet the spiritual and physical needs of the mature Christian. After you have decided which program you want to get involved in, select the blue question above the “more” button. |
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