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The Victorious Christian Living Program
Rather than providing general spiritual training and help like in Devotions With Jesus, Jesus deals with specific issues that are causing you major struggles or specific spiritual needs. If your problem with alcohol is relatively major or a spiritual issue that needs special spiritual growth, and if you are willing to allow Jesus to use it to teach you important Biblical principles, then HELP eMagazine’s Victorious Christian Living is the study for you.

In This Dynamic Biblical System
Jesus Helps You With:
  • Laying out a STRATEGY for how to live a victorious Christian life.

  • He teaches you how to SUBMIT to those things that will help you win at life.

  • He teaches you how to RESIST those things that will hurt you.

  • He teaches you how to PURIFY your life and rid it of things that are already doing damage to you.

  • He teaches you how to PREVENT things from getting into your life that aren’t good for your future.

  • He teaches you how to PROTECT others.

The Strategy
This first Biblical study lays out the strategy for how Jesus plans to help you with your struggles with alcohol. The Scriptures in it will prepare you for what is ahead; they will take your issues with alcohol and help you be ready to cooperate with Jesus. And, Jesus will help you desire to have all the things God has prepared for you. You will be introduced to the Biblical concepts that are going to help you win over your difficulties with alcohol.

The Submission
This second Biblical study shows you how much benefit you will receive from allowing the incredible love, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, power, grace, and mercy of God to be placed in your life. It teaches a submission that is different from anything you have ever experienced before. Through this submission you will find some very powerful and liberating principles and a relationship with God that will set you free from your struggles with alcohol.

The Resistance
This third Biblical study shows you how to resist the difficulties you are experiencing from alcohol. You will learn how to work with Jesus to attack, fight back, and overcome it and all the other issues you are facing. Rather than being a victim, you will become a victor.

The Purification
This fourth Biblical study reveals a way of life that is new to us all but the one we have always been looking for. God lives a pure life that makes heaven and all He purifies to be happier and more joyous that they have ever hoped for. Rather than having to live in the negative realm of always struggling with alcohol, Jesus will lead us into the positive realm of purification. There are a lot of confusing teachings and beliefs about purification. The Scriptures in this study will clear it up and show you a plan of God that really makes sense AND WORKS!

The Prevention
This fifth Biblical study is a wonderful study that you will almost wish you had taken first. The Christian life doesn’t need to always be a reaction to surprises, failures, accidents, mistakes, and disappointments. God has a way of helping us be able to prevent large quantities of bad things from ever happening to us in the first place. Prevention is the answer to us not having to always be asking for forgiveness, saying we are sorry, wishing we could do something different, and looking back on our life and wishing we knew what we know now. The things that got us started living with our struggles with alcohol in the first place are dealt with. This gives us a whole new approach to life.

Protecting Others
This sixth Biblical study helps you learn how to use all the information and training you have been applying to your own life and use it to help protect those who don’t know how to protect themselves yet. All the wonderful training and breakthroughs you gained by using your struggles with alcohol to motivate you to apply yourself, will be used to help others. It is a Biblical study that prepares you for getting involved with Bible Life University. It helps you see how to teach all the things that are helping and healing you. Others need the same things you needed and will greatly benefit from your training and experiences. Even though your difficulties and struggles may be different than others, you will find that the same Biblical principles will work miracles for them too.

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