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The Power Program
Who This Program Helps:
  • This program is for those who want to know HOW to take the steps into Christianity for the first time. If you are sure you haven’t done what it takes to be born again, then the Bible principles in this study will help you take those steps.

  • This program is for those who want to make sure they know what steps it takes to be a member of God’s family. If you aren’t sure you have been born again, then the Bible principles in this study will help you make sure you have taken those steps.

  • This program is for those who want to make sure they know what steps it takes to renew their commitment to Jesus. If you need to make sure you know HOW to recommit your life to Jesus, then the Bible principles in this study will help you make sure you have taken those steps.
Those who know they are in a good relationship with Jesus, AND, know the steps for maintaining that good relationship, may want to skip this study and move on to the next one.

How To Get, Keep, Live
And Mature In The Power Life
This study covers four major issues over eight weeks. These studies assist a person in getting, keeping, living out a power-relationship with Jesus, and maturing in that power-relationship.

The first study, “How To Get The Power Life,” provides the steps for establishing this power-relationship with Jesus. The second study, “Keeping The Power Life,” provides step-by-step Scriptural procedures for keeping this power-relationship with Jesus. The third study, “Living The Power Life,” shows how to take those things you have learned and apply them to your every-day life with power through Jesus. And, the fourth study, “Maturing In The Power Life,” helps you learn how to be trained by Jesus to grow into an adult child of God.

New Rather Than Improved
New is what it is all about; salvation brings us a new life in Jesus. As opposed to us improving, getting better little by little, and working on our old life, Jesus starts us off with a whole new life. The Scriptures in this study lay out the step-by-step procedures for being born into the family of God. They tell us what the requirements of God are for joining His family and getting all the rights and privileges that come from family membership.

The main door into a power-relationship with Jesus is to accept Him as our Savior from the difficulties of life. Prior to salvation and being born again into God’s family, we lacked certain relationship rights. Through the accepting of Jesus as our Savior, we get free access to our heavenly Father. Prayer becomes an open channel that gets God’s attention and His response. It is those rights and privileges that start bringing us into victory over our difficulties with spending.

Jesus Is Your Door
John 14:6 (NIV) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”

One of our main power problems is when we haven’t taken advantage of Jesus’ provisions of salvation; salvation brings the new birth and new life to us. Just like you had to be born in a physical body in order to be able to access all the provisions of this world, you have to be “born again” in your spirit in order to be able to access all of God’s spiritual provisions.
  • God’s first requirement is that you be “born” as a human.

  • Then God’s second requirement is that you be “born AGAIN” as a spiritual being.
In other words, by first being born as a human made it POSSIBLE for you to be born “again” as a spirit being.

Family Rights And Privileges
Just like being born to your human parents gave you certain rights and privileges in their family, being born into God’s family through salvation in Jesus makes you a member of God’s family. One of the main purposes of the Bible is to explain what all your rights and privileges are.

Those who read the Bible but haven’t been born again are reading about all the POSSIBILITIES. Those who read the Bible as Christians are reading those things that God has given them. From the moment of your spiritual birth on, everything written in the Bible is free; you get everything you need simply, and for no other reason than, because you are a member of God’s family.

Who Is This For?
The Scriptures in this study are vital for those who haven’t done what it takes to become a Christian. It is vital for making sure that each one of us does what God requires in order to be born into His family.

If you know for sure you already have experienced this new spiritual birth, then you may want to skip this study.

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