Spiritual Interactive Worksheet

The Discovery
Interactive Worksheet
Choosing The Right Spiritual Growth Program For You
Scroll down to the list below and select the program you and Jesus feel you are ready to take next. If you need additional information, read the short explanations below each of the programs. If the short explanation sounds and feels like your spiritual needs would be addressed in that study, select the “MORE” word; it will give you additional information. If that is the study Jesus is indicating that you need to take, then select the title of that program in the dark green bar above the comments. Once that is the case: Congratulations! You and Jesus have come to the place where you will be able to start winning more and more everyday.

If Jesus has you skip some of the spiritual training classes, be sure to check them off on your “My Power Growth Record” sheet. This will let you know that, that study has been skipped, as you start your studies for the next day.

The Two Power Programs
These are life success levels four and five programs

This program is the HEART of all of HELP eMagazine; it is so important that it has two main parts to it with studies in each part. It has the study called “The Power Introduction” program and the study called “The Power Instructions” program. These two parts to the Power Program are vital to all of us because we all have a very hard time being able to apply those things we are learning. We all need Jesus and His power in order to be able to apply the Biblical information we get.

Using A Specific Issue To Grow Spiritually
In this study, Jesus pretty much covers all personal needs. The special feature of this program is the fact that Jesus uses specific personal problems like your struggle with depression to bring healing and training to you. He teaches you how to USE your problem with depression to learn powerful Biblical principles so you can start winning over it.


Choosing The Right Spiritual Growth Program For You
Now that you have had a chance to check out all the programs available to you, pray and ask Jesus where He wants you to start your studies. Just scroll up to the list above and select the name of the program you and Jesus feel you are ready to start.

Using The “MORE” buttons
If you still need additional information, read the explanations of those programs you are feeling drawn to by selection the “MORE” button. If the explanation sounds and feels like your spiritual needs would be addressed in that study, then select the title of that program in the dark green bar above the comments. Once that is the case: Congratulations! You and Jesus have selected the spiritual growth program that will lead you into incredible training, power, healing, and transformation.

Skipping Programs
If Jesus has you skip some of the spiritual training courses, be sure to check them off on your “My Power Growth Record” sheet. This will let you know that, that study has been skipped, as you start your studies for the next day.

Going Back For A Review
If you just can’t decide which program to select in the dark green bars above, then you might want to select the “Finding The Right Spiritual Training” navigation words below and go through that course again, while spending more time in prayer with Jesus. Let Him talk to you about each program; it may be that you spent more time thinking and not enough time praying.

Select This IF You Want To Go Back To
The “Finding The Right Spiritual Training” Course

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