The Discovery Courses
For Spirituality Issues

You have just completed the course,
“Finding The Right Problem”
in the series,
“The Discovery Courses.”

Please read the material below before going to
“Finding The Right Spiritual Attitudes”
in the series,
“The Discovery Courses”
for tomorrow.

You Have Matched Your Issue To Jesus’ Help
Now that Jesus has helped you know that your struggle is with a “spiritual issue” and that you need to work on first, you are ready to see what direction your studies with Jesus are going to have to take. Jesus will be able to use your problem with a “spiritual issue” to help you develop a special life-path. As long as you weren’t sure what your problem is, then you couldn’t know what kind of studies you needed to get involved in. Now you are ready to move on to the the next step.

Your problem and Jesus’ study-solutions are now laying out a healing and miracle path for you. In a since, you have found the right study. In a general way, you know that you must connect your problem to your studies. However, Jesus isn’t going to zero in on your struggles with spirituality and treat them like you buying a book on spirituality.

Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude
You expectations of what Jesus will be doing will have to change. If He approached your problems like the world does, you wouldn’t get supernatural results. Studying with Jesus isn’t like any kind of study you have ever done. If you approach these studies with Jesus and are expecting Him to just be providing you with information for you to apply to yourself, you will run into difficulties.

How do you study material with Jesus? What should you expect to happen to you when you do? What are Jesus’ objectives when He presents information to you? What does He want you to do with the things He teaches you? “Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude” isn’t dealing with the SUBJECT you are going to be studying; you have alread established that. “Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude” is taking a look at spiritual attitudes that decide what kind of a relationship with Jesus you have.

The Difference Between The Subject And The Relationship
As far as study-solutions are concerned, Jesus is going help you find the subjects and courses that will provide you with victory over issues with spirituality. However, as far as a relationship with Jesus is concerned, He is going to be helping you with your attitudes by looking at some very important doors into your heart. Since Jesus is all about relationships, all during your studies Jesus will be reaching out to you. He will want you to be willing to open up eight doors that make it possible for you and Him to become close friends. He will want you to see all those things in your studies as proof and evidence of His love for you.

The Process For Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude
Several things will happen as Jesus takes you through “Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude.” He will be showing you all He has to offer you so you will be able to appreciate Him and His love for you. He will show you how to go about getting them as you spend time opening your heart to eight major spiritual attitudes. Through this course, Jesus will help you learn about what makes a relationship with Him possible; but, more than that, He will be helping you open those doors so you CAN have a relationship with Him.

It is important for you to know that you are not alone in your struggles with spirituality. Jesus doesn’t just want to help you be freed from your struggles with spirituality and then leave you. It isn’t like taking a class, passing the tests, getting the degree, and leaving the school. This is a time for you and Jesus to establish an eternal relationship. All your victories, miracles, and healings won’t be the greatest thing that happens to you. Your relationship with Jesus will be the most dynamic, wonderful, and rewarding aspect of all you get out of these courses.

Moving Into Using The Website
Jesus is using this website to provide you with His help. That means you have to get used to a few things that will help you take advantage of this system. Every effort has been put into trying to make this website easy to use. However, you may need a little bit of information and training so as to keep this being a pleasant experience. Jesus wants to help you with your issues with spirituality; He will help you not only with His SUBJECTS and RELATIONSHIPS, He will help you use this website in such a way that it be a very natural experience for you. He doesn’t want this delivery system to cause you such difficulties that it hinders your healing. Pray and ask Him to help you navigate through this website in such a way that it doesn’t interfer with all He has for you.

Taking A Shortcut

Life Guilt Fear Loneliness Depression Hopelessness Anger Money Addiction Divorce Marriage Children Temptation Spiritual

Your “My Power Growth Record”
When you leave the website and come back to the HELP eMagazine Home Page, you will select the words, “I am a regular visitor to the site.” Then you will select the “HELP” button that will take you to the HELP eMagazine’s home page. Scroll down to the bottom of the Home Page and select the “Spirituality” word on the gray Shortcut Bar (see above) to get to your own special Life-Map. Above is an example of what the Shortcut Bar looks like on the HELP eMagazine’s home page. Each time you come back to the website you would select the “Spirituality” word and it will take you to Your Life Map. This gray short cut bar is at the bottom of the HELP eMagazine’s home page.

Your “My Power Growth Record” sheets have these special instructions for getting back where you need to go. The instructions are on the last page of the sheets. Also, as you keep your “My Power Growth Record” filled out, it will help you know which subject and course to select on your “My Life Map” page.
You Are On Your Way
Jesus will start taking you through the studies that empower you to deal with your struggle with “Spirituality.” Once you select I Am Ready To Get Started With “Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude, you will be taken to the Welcome Page first. Please read the material on that page; Jesus will provide you with some important and encouraging words before you start the course.

I Am Ready To Get Started With “Finding The Right Spiritual Attitude.”

Finding The Right
Spiritual Attitudes
Week One

Week Two
Finding The Right
Spiritual Issue
Week One

Week Two
Finding The Right
Week One

Week Two

Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
Week One

Week Two
The Spiritual Interactive
Week One

Week Two

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