HELP Benefits

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The Bible Is The Key To Your Future
When you compare the way Jesus thinks to the way the people around you think, it soon becomes obvious to you why so many are failing at life. He evaluates people based on their internal character rather than external appearances and accomplishments. He puts much more importance on honesty and integrity than good looks, skills, talents, achievements, and personality.

The Problem
When you fail people and they fail you, the main reason is because of moral and honesty issues. You would be a lot happier and so would your friends, if both of you were more honest and faithful to each other. Jesus, through the Bible, has provided you with a lot of guidance on how to succeed in your relationships and the other aspects of your life.
How Do You Make Your Decisions?
If you choose the wrong people to associate with, the wrong company to work for, the wrong pleasures to experience, the wrong solutions to your problems, and the wrong principles to live by, it makes sense that your life won’t end up well.

Let Jesus Help You
Make Better Decisions
Jesus wants to take you through the Bible; He wants to deal with all these issues and much more. Jesus will use this magazine to take you into the principles that He taught; and, He will help you get them working in your life. Millions have already tried them; and, Jesus has already proven to them that they are the complete answer for anyone who wants to live a successful life.

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