How Do I GET The Power Life?

The Power Studies
How Do I GET
The Power Life?
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The Doors Into God’s Eternal Kingdom
Jesus Is Your Way In
What Do You Have To Do?
Jesus is taking you into a new realm, a new existence, and a new way of life. You can ONLY enter into this realm through Jesus. John 14:6 (NIV) Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus is going to give you the words to speak; and, the words you speak, in God’s spiritual realm, are the way you move into the places you and Jesus want you to go. Once you learn this, you will learn how to move forward into all kinds of wonderful things.

James 3:2 (NIV) We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check. In the spirit realm, your heart, mouth, and tongue are the steering mechanism that decides where you go, what you get, and who you become.

Your Heart, Your Mouth, And Your Life
Jesus said in Matthew 12:34b (NIV) For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. So, it is very important for you to want these things with all your heart. You must want each thing Jesus will be leading you through in His prayer. When you say each phrase of this prayer, stop and check your heart. Do you REALLY want God to do this for you and in you? Jesus only wants you to pray each part of this prayer with your mouth if it represents the desires of your heart. But, if it DOES represents your heart, and if you DO speak it with your mouth, it WILL bless and transform your life.

Your Words Open The Door
Here is an example of how our mouth and tongue work in the spirit realm: James 3:3-4 (NIV) When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the whole animal. Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. You are going to be given an opportunity to use your mouth and tongue to say prayers that Jesus is giving you. If you use your mouth and tongue to pray these prayers, supernatural, God-sized things will happen to you. Jesus’ prayer, if you pray it, will CAUSE you to be born again.

Jesus’ Prayer Guides Your Mouth
It may seem impossible to be born again by simply using your heart and mouth to pray these words Jesus gives you; but, because this is JESUS’ prayer, each part of it will move you right into being born again. God is listening to you as you pray JESUS’ prayer; and, He is honoring each sentence you pray. When you finish Jesus’ prayer, if you believe God has heard and given you your new birth, you WILL BE BORN AGAIN!

In Matthew (the first book of the New Testament) chapter 6, verses 9-13 (Mat 6:9-13), Jesus said: “This, then, is how you should pray.” Since Jesus said this, that means that is what we should do. Jesus was telling us how to ask God for the privilege of entering His Kingdom and live there forever; so, let’s take that prayer a little bit at a time and see if you want to pray each part of it.
Jesus’ Prayer
Jesus’ Prayer Changes Everything
Mat 6:9-13 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.’” Jesus’ prayer, when prayed, will transform the person who prays it. Jesus uses it to start you into being born again; then as you keep prayng His prayer all during the rest of your life, He empowers it to keep adding power to your born again experience.

Jesus’ Prayer Cures You
From The Spiritual Disease Of Sin
Okay now, let’s break Jesus’ prayer down so you can understand what He is leading you into. He is leading you into asking for vital things from God, your heavenly Father. His prayer isn’t a magical set of words like “open sesame” and the doors to the Kingdom of God open to you. Jesus designed His prayer in such a way so you would ask God to let you into His Kingdom. You will get in by Him cleansing you from all spiritual disease, which is sin. Jesus is using His prayer to lead you into a special relationship with God. He is helping you be born again BY accepting God as your heavenly Father.

Is This YOUR Prayer?
Jesus wants you to understand what it is you are asking for. As Jesus leads you into asking God for the things in each phrase, it has to be what you REALLY want for your future here and in eternity. The reason Jesus took you through all these studies getting you here, was so you could pray His prayer from your heart. These words ARE the requests that HAVE to be made in order for you to enter God’s Kingdom; but, these words MUST represent what you WANT! Take these very important words and see if you are WILLING to make them YOUR prayer to God.

The Prayer Jesus Is Giving You To Pray
Jesus Is Using This Prayer
To Empower You To Be Born Again
Mat 6:9-13 This, then, is how you should pray: This prayer contains the issues and requests that you MUST pray in order to enter into God’s Kingdom. There are a lot of other prayers, called “sinner’s prayers,” that Christians use to help people be born again; and, they work to some degree. However, Jesus gives us the best prayer we can pray.

Jesus’ Prayer Helps With Your Day
You are going to be starting a life of talking to your heavenly Father. You will be praying to Him and asking Him to heal you from all the ROOT causes of the problems you are having with alcohol. You will be praying and asking for His help in living a new life as a new spiritual person. AND, your heavenly Father will be working miracles and giving you blessings in response to those prayers. So, this special prayer will be the starting prayer that helps you keep growing in your born again experience.

If you ultimately decide to pray Jesus’ prayer so you can make God your heavenly Father, and if you pray it so you can live the Christian life for the rest of your life, then this prayer from Jesus incorporates the main requests you will continue to pray on a daily basis.

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