How Do I GET The Power Life?

The Power Studies
How Do I GET
The Power Life?
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Four Types Of People
When a person hears the message that Jesus has a cure for the very contagious, deadly disease of sin, there are four types of reactions to this message. Jesus is going to illustrate what those four reactions are. So, let’s allow Jesus to explain them to us.

Mat 13:3-9 (NIV) Then He [Jesus] told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed,

People Who Have Been Walked On All Their Lives
REACTION TYPE ONE: some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.

People Who Are Crowd Pleasers
REACTION TYPE TWO: Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

People Who Care More About Things Than People
REACTION TYPE THREE: Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.

People Who Are Having Varying Degrees
Of Receptivity To Jesus’ Way Of Life
REACTION TYPE FOUR: Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop--a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. He who has ears, let him hear.”

Let’s Get Ready To Learn About Ourselves
Four Types Of Reactions To Jesus’ Message
After Jesus finished telling the story about this farmer, He then explained the meaning of the parable (spiritual illustration). He took the events that happened to the seeds and compared them to the events that happen in people’s lives. Just like throwing seeds on all kinds of soil conditions brings four types of results, so does telling the truth about God and His Kingdom bring four results. It also brings four types of reactions when you present it to all kinds of people.

Don’t Be Afraid To Look
As we look at the explanation to this parable, see if you can find your reaction to the good news about God’s Kingdom in your life. Which one or ones of these four categories do you fit in to? You fit into at least one of these categories; this is your opportunity to take a look at your personal attitudes and character. As you take a look at yourself, you are looking at things Jesus has the power to change; they don’t have to be permanent situations. Paths can be plowed, disked, fertilized, watered, and made ready for planting; rocks can be dug up and removed from the soil; weeds can be hoed, dug out, poisoned, and removed from the soil.

Jesus’ Diagnostic Evaluation
Jesus said in Matthew 13:18-23 (NIV) Listen then to what the parable of the sower means. Let’s take each one of these possible reactions to Jesus’ salvation message and break them down so we can allow them to show us where we may have resistances against it.

When anyone HEARS the message about the kingdom and DOES NOT UNDERSTAND IT, the evil one [Satan] comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
You Have Spiritual Ears!
Getting Your Spiritual Ears Tested
The first step toward entering God’s Kingdom and starting to get help with your problems with loss of a loved one is, you must have an ear checkup (spiritual ears, that is). Since you are still reading this, you have just passed part of the first test. But, this test isn’t just to see if you can hear (not deaf), it is also testing to see if you have any AREAS of hearing loss.

You Have Spiritual Comprehension
When you go to the doctor, they give you a physical examination. During this examination you are tested for various physical issues so they can find out what is causing your problem. The issue you were just tested on was, do you have spiritual ears that can hear Jesus? Some people can’t hear and understand spiritual issues. When they read something like this, it makes absolutely no sense to them. It is like we are speaking a foreign language to them. But, since you are still reading, you are ready AND ABLE to start HEARING what Jesus has to say to you.

Jesus, The Bible, And These Studies Were Testing You
You Were Being Tested All This Time
This is one reaction that some people have to hearing this message. This is the one we told you, you have already passed part of the spiritual test on. ALL the words you have read up to this point would have been meaningless to you. Since you are reading and understanding (to some degree) the words you are reading, you have already passed part of the first examination. Your reaction to the message concerning the Kingdom of God has been one of a certain amount of understanding. Congratulations!

Get Your Hearing Completely Healed
You have spiritual ears that can hear the words of God. It would have been impossible for you to receive healing from God, if you couldn’t hear a word He said to you. As you can see, it was vital that you not be spiritually deaf; but, let’s keep going on into this test and see if there are some areas of hearing problems. Are there areas where Jesus is talking to you and you are having problems understanding or being willing to do what He says?

Two Ways Of Approaching Life
I Don’t See Why I Have To Do That
As you try out the principles of Christianity, more and more information will be coming your way. Some information will come as a tremendous blessing to your heart and life. However, other information will point to an area of your life that you are not ready to experience a change in. Some people get to this point and decide they don’t want to have ANYTHING to do with Christianity. Others go through some real struggles with it but are holding it up to God for further clarification and help. Still others try to strike a bargain with God and try to keep parts of Christianity and drop other parts of it.

Would You Help Me See Why
I Have To Do That?
Just because you at first can’t UNDERSTAND why God would require something of you, or, just because you don’t understand why He would structure the Christian system a certain way, doesn’t mean He can’t help you UNDERSTAND the “whys” of it all. If you are willing to be a person who sticks with Him because you know He has perfect reasons, Jesus will start helping you to understand WHY He does the things He does and requires the things He requires. That is a much better approach than just quitting without knowing why.

Having Hearing Problems Can Be Caused By A Lack Of Desire
Being healed from your issues with loss of a loved one may have its roots in things you don’t want to give up yet. You need to hear and understand WHY God wants you to give that particular life activity up. Once you hear and understand, then you can decide whether or not you want God’s power to give it up.

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