How Do I GET The Power Life?

The Power Studies
How Do I GET
The Power Life?
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Mat 13:22 (NIV) The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.

Having An Intense Concern For Physical Needs
What Do You Worry About?
This third reaction is all about YOU and what YOU consider most important. The worries of this life: If you find yourself to be a worrier about life’s problems most of the time, then you may have some weeds in your life. The deceitfulness of wealth: If you find yourself being overly concerned about getting, spending, and saving a lot of money most of the time, you may have found the root cause for your suffering and pain. But, just because this is a problem in your character doesn’t mean you HAVE to stay this way.

Do You WANT To Be Free?
Once again, Jesus, the Bible, these studies, and other Christians are available to help you win this battle. But, the question we all have to face is, do we want to be set free from these concerns and worries? DESIRE is the difference between a person who gets healed from struggles with spending and the person who stays defeated by it. Since Jesus won’t set us free from something we don’t want freedom from, desire makes all the difference between winning and losing.

What Do You Believe Will Set You Free?
We all fall under the pressure of life’s problems and money issues from time to time. Even those of us who have been Christians for a long time, have to deal with these issues. The difference between a person who will CONTINUE to lose at their battle against their problems with spending and a CHRISTIAN who will EVENTUALLY win against it, is that the Christian receives a powerful WANTING to do, think, feel, and say good things. That powerful WANTING will enable you to learn, understand, and change into a person free from the things that are causing you pain because of your problems with spending.

Wanting Is Good Enough For Jesus
This Is Different From World Training
Jesus is looking for a DESIRE in your heart to feel, think, do, and say the right things. If you DESIRE (WANT) to live according to the right things, Jesus will keep working with you until you win. You are used to BEING RESPONSIBLE for solving your own problems. People in the world will train you on how to solve those problems; but, YOU have to do it. If you are dominated by worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth, it is probably because YOU THINK that if you don’t worry, come up with your own plan, and set your own goals, you will get hurt.

We need Jesus’ power to deal with these intense situations. We need to be set free from world training that puts all the pressure on us for trying to solve all our own problems. We need to be taught by Jesus how to yield to Him and His power so we can be set free from our struggles with spending. We need Him to show us how to be taught in these studies but to not try to follow them through our own strength. We need to be led into the way to yield to Jesus’ supernatural power that makes everything possible for us.
Jesus Is Alive!
Since Jesus was raised from the dead, and since He is the head of a living “religion,” Christianity isn’t about what YOU can do for Jesus, it is about what JESUS can do for you. If Christianity were dead and Jesus were dead, then it would have to be about you helping yourself. Christianity would be like world training and other religions, you would be given the rules, principles, and philosophies and then you would be responsible for carrying them out.

Jesus Does It WITH You
If you are infected with worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth, then all you have to do is allow Jesus to help you be born again. And then you and He will work together to defeat this issue. He will provide you with the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and power and you will be able to do something you weren’t able to do before. With something as powerful as worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth, you wouldn’t stand a chance of winning over it. But, with Jesus working with you and through you, you will win.

Weeds Have Seeds
Weeds are a lot different from hard dirt on the path or rocks in your garden; weeds are alive and can grow back. It is possible for some people to mistreat you again and cause you to want to harden your heart. But, there are ways of Jesus keeping that from happening to you. However, weeds have seeds floating through the air; they have stickers that stick to your clothing and to animal’s hair; and they can grow from the roots that you don’t quite get out when you pull them up.

There are things called temptations that come into your mind and come through your eyes and ears. They are like those weed seeds that float through the air. Jesus will have to help you not get drawn back into worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth. He will be teaching you a way to stay in constant contact with Him so when temptations come your way, you will work together with Him and win over them.

How Many Times Can I Mess Up?
Don’t Give Up
All of us Christians have struggled with being walked on, people’s opinions, worries about the pressures and problems of this life, and the temptations that come concerning money. However, none of this has the power to FORCE us away from Jesus’ help. No matter how many times we fail, as long as we continue to DESIRE Jesus’ help to give us the proper perspective concerning the issues of life, we will get it.

Jesus will NEVER give up on you,
as long as you never give up on Him.

We All Fail
We all make a lot of mistakes; but as long as our “desire” is pointed in the right direction, Jesus will NOT consider us as having failed Him or His plan for our healing and our life. He will keep giving us His provisions and will be willing to seal us inside of Christianity so He can give us all its benefits. He WILL heal you from being damaged by the problems with spending, as long as you keep WANTING His help, provisions, and power. You just have to allow Him to set you free from the CAUSES that problems with spending have their roots attached to.

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