The Importance Of The Power Life

The Power
The Importance Of
The Power Life
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Meet Nicodemus
John chapter 3 verse 1 (John 3:1) Now there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council. This man joined the top religious group available. He really applied himself to that religious system. He determined that if anyone was going to get their needs met, win over life’s problems, and succeed, it was going to be him. But, in spite of all his efforts, in spite of all his seeking God, he didn’t get the help he needed until he went to Jesus.

Jesus, if Nicodemus did all he did to win at life and it didn’t work for him, help me understand that it can happen to me too. Help me not feel bad that I made mistakes in my decisions. Show me that it is typical of everyone. Help me see that we all head in wrong directions and end up with typical results. Show me that I need to come to You for Your power and training.

Human Training VS. Jesus’ Training
In many ways, Nicodemus was looking in the right direction. He was looking to God for help. Many don’t do that; they live as if there is no God. They aren’t atheists; they just don’t think about spiritual things. Many around you are taking that approach. You probably have friends like that. They may not know that Jesus caused a Book to be written that explains how life works.

Jesus, help me see that in many ways, looking to God is the right direction. But, at times, my approach to life has been as if there is no God. I am not an atheist; I too haven’t thought much about spiritual things. Many around me are taking the same approach. They either don’t know or don’t care that You caused a Book to be written that explains how life works. Help me get a change of attitude about God, spiritual things, and the Bible.

What Are Life’s Rules?
One of the biggest problems with you and those around you is, none of you speak the same language. What if you were playing a sport where every person was playing by their own rules. Each person told you, your truth isn’t my truth. You can’t know my truth without living in my shoes for a while. That is the game of life you and the people around you are currently playing.

This is the way a lot of people are living life. They are watching people and trying to find out what their rules are. Everyone has different rules; and, you don’t know what those rules are. This makes life very frustrating and causes you to keep breaking people’s rules. They are approaching life from a different perspective and assuming that everyone is on the same page. But, they aren’t! Jesus has a full set of life-rules that will make sense to you and to your friends. Once you and your friends start playing by Jesus’ rules, it will be amazing how well you all get along.

Jesus, help me see that each person can’t just have their own truth. If we are all living life with totally different sets of rules, then every person I meet will be expecting me to address them with rules that I have no idea what they are. I will have rules; and, they have no idea what mine are. Show me that just like the rules of aerodynamics, mathematics, chemistry, and physics have rules that cannot be successfully broken, neither can the rules of relationships and life.

Getting To Know Jesus
Jesus is trying to get everyone to live by the same set of rules. They are the rules that win in life; and, if we all join Him, we will all be on the same page.

The Creator Of The Universe
John 3:2 He [Nicodemus] came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi [teacher], we know You are a teacher Who has come from God. For no one could perform the miraculous signs You are doing if God were not with him.” Nicodemus knew something that a lot of people you associate with don’t know. He knew God had created the universe and the world you live on. He knew that it was God Who had set the rules for life; and, he was trying to live by those rules.

Jesus, help me realize that Nicodemus knew things that I’m not fully convinced of. He knew God created the universe and the world I live on. He knew God had set the rules for life; and, he was trying to live by them. Give me a clear understanding of these things so I can trust You more. And, let them help me be able to understand this world and life better.

How To Find Out What The Rules Are
The nation or kingdom you live in has laws and rules; they are set by those who are governing or ruling over you. If you want to know what those rules are, you have to talk to them or read the laws they have published. Whether you know what their rules are or not, they will arrest you, if you break a significant rule. If you want to keep from being arrested, you would need to know what the rules are. And, you would need to do what it took to live by them.

Jesus is the Creator of the universe; and He is the One Who made life and the rules for it. He made the rules for relationships, for finances, for governing emotions, and for your physical body. If you want to know what those rules are, you must talk to Him or read the Bible He caused to be written. Whether you know what they are or not, if you break them, it will hurt you and others.

Jesus, reveal to me that You are the Creator of the universe, and are the One Who made the rules for life. Help me accept that You made the rules for relationships, for finances, for emotions, and for my physical body. Help me, as I read and study my Bible. Help me learn Your rules and laws so I can see how much better they are than those I am living under now.

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