The Importance Of The Power Life

The Power
The Importance Of
The Power Life
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Getting Your Prayers Answered
Paragraphs that contain prayers in them will be inside boxes. The truth is, when you pray those prayers in those boxes, you are actually talking to Jesus. He is listening and responding to everything one of these prayers. As you finish each day’s pages of study and prayer, be looking for Jesus to give you those things you asked for in these prayers. These are vital studies and prayers that are bringing great results for your future.

Honoring Your Wishes
Gen 1:27 (NIV) So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. This gave you a free will from God. This kept you from being a robot or a slave. So, working with Jesus is different from the procedures you are used to. You have to be convinced that Jesus is your answer to life. If you don’t believe something in the Bible is true, it won’t do anything for you or to you, because of your God-given free will. That is why Jesus is doing so much explaining and helping you understand these things.

What Is Prayer?
Prayer tells Jesus you want something. If you are going to receive Jesus’ power, provisions, and principles, you must ask for them. The reason for this is because, unlike anyone else, Jesus honors your God-given free will. If you don’t want something Jesus has to offer, all you have to do is not ask for it. If you don’t ask, Jesus won’t give it to you. The procedure for asking Jesus for things is called prayer. You either think it in your mind or ask Him out loud to give you what you need.

How Do I Pray?
Since prayer may be new for you, Jesus won’t be throwing you into the deep end of the pool and demand that you swim. He will be providing you with prayers that could represent things you would like Him to do for you. After you have read a segment, you will be given a prayer to pray. It will be an opportunity for you to ask Jesus to do those things that you read and wanted. Remember, if you read something you want and don’t pray for it, Jesus won’t give it to you.

What Do I Pray?
What if you disagree with a prayer? Then skip it. But, you might want to write down a note directing you back to that page, and the paragraph title where the prayer was. As you keep moving forward, you may change your mind and want to come back and pray that prayer. If you agree with the provided prayer, then pray it. If you want to change it in some way, then customize it to fit your desires and life situation. Jesus only responds to those things you pray for.

Tell Me About This New Life

Which Way Should I Go?
Like everyone else, you have probably tried all kinds of ways to make your life better. The big question is, which way should you go to make your life better? When you are dealing with struggles in life, you try everything you can think of and everything your friends suggest.

Here is your first prayer; but, before you pray it, read it and see if you agree with it. If you agree with this prayer, then say: Jesus, help me be willing to give You a chance to show me that You love me more than I love myself. Help me see that You always have my best interest in mind. Show me that You will never give me anything that isn’t good for me.

It Must Bring Results
It’s like choosing products; everyone thinks their brand is the best. When you start using a certain product, you probably made your decision based on the best advertisement and recommendations from your friends. That is probably what you did in trying to head your life in the right direction. At the end of the day, however, it always comes down to what works. Did it really improve your life, or, did it fail you? Was it a permanent improvement or was it just temporary?

Jesus, this is pretty new for me; I am trying to learn how to talk to You and know You are listening to me. Help me give You the kind of cooperation I have given new products. Help me allow You to show me that You have the answers to my problems, needs, and goals.

It’s Not Some New Method
Billions of people, all around the world, have tried this method and found the help they were looking for. Some have been helped more than others; but, all have experienced major changes that improved their lives. That is what you can expect to happen in your life. Jesus not only knows how to help you get your difficulty with life solved, He knows how to help you have a life that is awesome. How can you know? People all around you have tried this new life and have helped multitudes of others get the same powerful life that they are living.

Jesus, billions of people, all around the world, have tried Your methods and found the help they were looking for. Let me be like them and experience major changes that improve my life. Help me start looking for and expecting special things to happen in my life. Jesus, help me get my difficulties with life solved. Then help me get a life that is awesome.

You have just completed your first day of moving into the power-life. You have prayed those prayers you agreed with; and Jesus will respond to and empower you to live differently in those areas. Jesus will be doing them gradually so you will be able to experience them, evaluate them, and decide whether or not you want to keep them. He will be very careful to not damage, hurt, hinder, or change your God-given free will. Be patient with Him as He works carefully, slowly, gently, and patiently with you. He is honoring your God-given free will.

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