The Importance Of The Power Life

The Power
The Importance Of
The Power Life
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Here’s How It Works
You Qualify For Being Born Again
John 3:5 Jesus answered, I tell you the truth, no one can enter the Kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. God is a Spirit. If you only understand human bodies, it will be difficult for you to realize that you are an eternal being yourself. You live in a body; but, when that body dies and decays, that doesn’t have any effect on you being able to continue to exist.

Jesus, help me see that, that means I have to be born in the water of my mother’s womb as a human before I can qualify to be born again. Then show me that this next birth is going to be a spiritual birth. Teach me what that means so I can experience being born again.

You Are An Eternal Being
When Jesus talked about people dying, He frequently said they were sleeping. Dying isn’t ceasing to exist; dying only means separation. When you die, you are just being separated from your body. You, as an eternal being, continue to live on somewhere else. That continuing to live somewhere else is the thing that needs to concern you. Some people believe that they can control their eternal destiny by what they choose to believe; however, that is overwhelmingly wrong!

Jesus, as I learn to trust You more and more, it helps me give up my own personal beliefs as to what happens after I die. As I learn that You always tell the truth, let it help me embrace Your teaching about eternity. Help me understand that You know what comes after death. You died on the cross and rose again after three days. Help me trust You and what You teach.

There Is Life After Death
Just because your body only lasts for a short time doesn’t mean that you do. You may have assumed there wasn’t any life after death. Or, it may have been something you haven’t spent much time thinking about. God is using your struggles with a life-problem to help you start considering an eternally important issue. If you spend eternity with God, you will have to join His family and Kingdom now; you will not be able to make that decision after you die.

Jesus, I came to You so You could help me with a current problem. And now, You are talking to me about eternity. Help me see that they are tied together. Help me see that a lot of my life-success now is dependent on what You consider important for Your eternal Kingdom. Teach me the correlation between my life here and how it enhances my life in Your Kingdom and how Your eternal Kingdom enhances my life here.

There Is A Wonderful Life For You Now
The tremendous benefits that come from you making a decision to be born again now is, Jesus teaches you how to be incredibly successful here while enhancing your eternal life. The main reason you are suffering now is because of how you are treating yourself, other people, and God’s plan. Once Jesus helps improve your behavior, the way you treat most people will be the way they will start trying to treat you. The way you create win/win solutions will produce friends.

Jesus, help me understand that being born again isn’t just an after-life issue. Show me that a lot of tremendous benefits come from me making that decision now. My life is bringing me a lot of suffering that You can and will help me with just as soon as I am born into Your family.

Where’s The Power To Live This Life?
You Must Be Connected To God
You understand that unless your house is connected to water and electricity, you won’t get those benefits. Certain prayers connect you to God in various ways. You have been connecting to Jesus by inviting Him into training you about being born again and becoming God’s child, a member of His family, and a citizen of His Kingdom. Now you want to go beyond learning about these things and learn how to get them.

Jesus, help me see that so far You and I have been connecting over me learning about these important things. Show me that You have been trying to help me feel comfortable with believing these things are true, that You have been teaching me. Help me realize that until I start believing they are true, I still won’t want them. Help me trust You and believe that You only tell me the truth. Help me get connected by believing in You and Your teachings!

You Must MAKE The Connection
Up until now, you have been applying yourself to learning about how to get Jesus’ help with your personal problems. Once you are convinced and feel comfortable with Jesus’ teaching, you must apply the connection to Jesus. You must ask Him to empower you to be born again. It is always your decision as to what you get from Jesus. It is true that you must follow His requirements, rules, and laws for being born again. But, it still requires you asking Him for it.

Jesus, I am ready for You to start teaching me how to allow You to empower me to be born again. Help me with any fears, doubts, or reservations that I might have. Help me understand that You will only lead me into this experience, if I am completely comfortable with You helping me be born again. If I need any further help, show me what it is, so I can be born again as a child of God, a member of His family, and a citizen of His Kingdom.

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