The Lord’s Prayer For New Christians

The Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer For
New Christians
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Give us today our daily bread.

Daily Bread
Getting Our Own Daily Bread
Sometimes we end up doing things we are not proud of as we try to get our daily needs met. There are times when we spend every waking moment trying to make sure all our needs are fulfilled. Life can become a rat race as we labor trying to make enough money to pay the bills. This way of life doesn’t leave us much time or energy for having good Kingdom relationships with others.

Bread That Doesn’t Satisfy
All the people who haven’t allowed God to be their heavenly Father are responsible for meeting all their own needs. Even the Christians who are untrained think they are still responsible for meeting all their own needs. In that case, if they are going to get anything, it is going to have to come through their own time and efforts. There usually isn’t enough hours in a day for them. Even those who are rich are driven by deep desires for more. They can’t hoard enough money to make them happy; and they can’t spend enough money to satisfy the craving in their heart.

Getting God Involved In Daily Needs
God has a much better plan for you; the Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:38 principles of living and giving will change your life. They will change how the time and energy you spend living it is expended. Your human needs are vital for your survival; but, God has a way for you to get those needs met without being a slave to them. He can do it without you being placed in an environment that makes you spend all your time and energy to ONLY take care of those needs. If your daily supply flows through God, you and your friends will be set free from the slavery to money.

What If?
What if you started looking to God’s knowledge, foreknowledge of the future, understanding, wisdom, and power? What if you allowed Him to show you how to do business, have business relationships, handle your finances, and how to structure your priorities? What if you allowed God to build your relationships by showing you who to trust, who to join, who to help, who to train, and who to avoid? What would your life look like if you allowed God to guide you in getting your daily needs met?
Everyone Is Hunting For
Joy And Happiness.
Fear Will Drive Us
Mat 6:31-33 (NIV) So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these THINGS will be given to you as well.

The Win/Win Plan Of God
Letting God lead you into where you work, what you buy, and what you want, will bring a joy and happiness that you can never provide on your own. There are things you have to have in order to survive; but, the way you go about getting them can be so enhanced by God that your needs are met WHILE you are being a blessing and a help to all those around you. Your focus moves from just being on you and your needs; it leads you into a win/win relationship with all those around you. It is a life of cooperation, team work, friendships, and mutual respect.

Who Is The Most Qualified?
This “daily bread” represents the principle behind every aspect of your daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and lifetime needs. It is the difference between you using all your intelligence, talents, skills, time, and effort to meet your own needs, or God taking care of them supernaturally. This part of this prayer is asking God to join you in your pursuit of getting your needs met. You are asking Him to meet your daily needs in such a way that it brings joy and happiness to you and to all those around you.

A Change Of Lifestyle
If you are willing to start letting God influence you as to which job you will take, what positions you will accept, and how much time you will spend working, then pray these words: “Give us today our daily bread.”

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