Protection For Others

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Armor For The Unsaved
Second, the full armor of God becomes a delivering mechanism for setting lost (unsaved) people free from Satan's control:
A lot of the time we don't think about how the full armor of God provides ministry. Standing behind us are all the people that God wants to use us to protect. Jesus died for them too. But, they don't have their armor on. Some don't have their armor on because they haven't made Jesus the Lord of their life yet. Others are new born Christians and don't know how to put on, keep on, or use their full armor of God. And, unfortunately, some are mature Christians who never learned how to put their armor on, keep it on, and use it skillfully. We, who have our armor on and know how to use it, stand in between them and all Satan wants to do to them.

One of the greatest aspects of the full armor of God is its ability to help us set the lost free. They are currently considered to be the devil's territory. We are out to conquer that territory for Jesus. Jesus bought all these people with His blood. The gospel message we proclaim will set them free from the control of the devil. With our full armor on, we can walk right into Satan's camp and deliver the lost out of his possession.

The Belt of Truth enables us to present The Truth about God and His saving, delivering, healing, blessing power through Christ. The people we are ministering to will know the Truth and the Truth will set them free.

The Breastplate of Righteousness helps us treat even enemies with the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control of the Holy Spirit. This empowers us to show the lost a way of life that they may have never seen before.
The Gospel of Peace shoes introduces them into the procedures for getting what they are seeing emanating out of our life.

The Shield of Faith provides God's power to them from our life. Our ministry shows them the wonderful works of the almighty God. As they see God at work all around them, they start to believe in Jesus as their Savior.

The Helmet of Salvation causes us to live and proclaim the full life of salvation before those who may be willing to accept it.

The Sword of the Spirit is used to protect and set the lost free from the bondages of the devil. We are able to go around doing good in people's physical and spiritual lives because the Holy Spirit is in us and Jesus is doing His ministry through us.

When this happens, the power of God grows in the lives and ministries of others as you involve them in Spiritual Growth training and they involve others.

This is Jesus' plan for exponential growth that will reach the world for God.

This concludes your studying for today.
Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have studied so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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