Purification Through Exposure

The Purification
Purification Through
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So THAT Was What Was Missing
Eph 6:10 (NIV) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

This is the whole objective and end result of Step One. The process of us getting closer to God and Him getting closer to us builds a relationship of power. Power keeps us from being on one day and off the next. Power helps us remain faithful to God all the time. Power makes it possible for us to really get to know God. If it takes a year, which I hope it doesn't, we just never give up until we have this close and intimate relationship with God. We must not move on to Step Two until our relationship with God has been established. And, it will be established through regular prayer, Bible reading and studying, going to church, fellowshipping with Christians, personal and family devotions, reading good Christian books, listening to good Christian music and sharing salvation with others.

This is where the Christian life moves from routine to real. We aren't doing our prayer, Bible reading and studying, going to church, fellowshipping with Christians, personal and family devotions, reading good Christian books, listening to good Christian music and sharing salvation with others just so that we can say we did it. We are doing all of this so that we can be transformed in our areas of weakness. We aren't assuming that all this is going to rub off on us and give us a general deliverance. We have SPECIFIC sins, habits, and addictions that need removal from our life. Our heart is going to have to have SPECIFIC help. Questions are starting to form in our mind.

Questions like:
  • Where in the Bible does it deal with getting delivered from this problem?
  • What do I need to ask God so as to get His help?
  • How does today's sermon address my particular issue?
  • If I expose myself to all this Christianity, will I eventually be delivered of everything or will I need specific healing in each individual compartment?
  • What should I expect to happen when I expose myself to all this Christianity?
  • Are there other things I need to be doing?
  • Am I reading the right books, listening to the right sermons, and going to the right Christian support groups?
In other words, we are actively involved in wanting something to happen during all this. We aren't just floating along in the little creek of Christianity. We aren't just working Christianity into our otherwise busy schedule. We aren't adding it to the routines that we "have" to do. We are involved in Christianity and we are expecting special things to happen to us. As we learn more about spiritual warfare, we stop expecting "something" to happen to us, sometime. We are now getting specific information on how to facilitate transformation in a specific area of problem. Christianity is designed for our situation and we are going to take full advantage of it.

Eph 6:10 (NIV) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.

The "you" is implied here. You be strong. Why are we exposing ourselves to all of these God things? Because He is where we are going to get the power to defeat the individual problems in our heart. We have to be strong in the Lord. If we understand why we are seeking God, then we will WANT to seek God. When the Bible says He will draw close to us if we draw close to Him, it is talking about Him coming to us in power. You be strong in the Lord AND in His mighty power. How? Yep! Through prayer, Bible reading and studying, going to church, fellowshipping with Christians, personal and family devotions, reading good Christian books, listening to good Christian music and sharing salvation with others.

This concludes your studying for today.
Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have studied so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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