Purification Through Exposure

The Purification
Purification Through
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Increase Your Time With God
Step Two is challenging us to cleanse our hands (body) from the former deeds of our days. More and more each day we will be using our body to do God anointed things. The more we schedule God's things into our physical activities, the cleaner the activities of our body will be. In Step One we started in on the process of using these things to simply get close to God. As we looked at our day, we found certain areas where we felt we could squeeze God in. Here, we are increasing the dosage. We are now going for a cleansing of sin activities in our life. Our body, our worldly associates, and the devil were all hoping that this was just a phase we were going through. It won't last, they hoped. They will be back, they thought. They were wrong. Instead, we have increased our efforts. We want God and all He has to offer. And, we will do whatever it takes to get them.

Step One was bringing us to a place where we learned to really love God. Step Two is increasing our negative attitude toward sin, bodily lusts, and satanic attacks of temptation and emotional pressures. More than likely Step One helped to get rid of a lot of sinful activities and desires. However, we are faced with some real strongholds. It will be a lot easier to get rid of these things if we go to God and find out what He wants to replace them with. We always have to keep in mind that light drives out darkness. What kind of activity would drive out the worldly activity we are currently involved in?

James 5:16 (NIV) Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
This is where special groups are joined or are developed. We have to find support groups where we can open up to fellow Christians and share with them the struggles with things we are going through. The group doesn't have to be big. It can be a person that you simply ask to be your accountability partner; or, it can be an established group especially designed for our particular problem. If the type of group doesn't exist or we just aren't aware of it, we can always start one for ourselves. The smaller the group the better. We don't want to become managers rather than recipients. We must not be trying to start a ministry. We must stay with the issue at hand. We need a person or some people that we can share our problems with.

The really big issue is going to be who or what group we pick. If we don't know, the pastor needs to be our first resource. A lot of us don't want the pastor knowing we have an issue. If our pastor is a person who can't or won't handle the fact that we have an issue with maturity and love, we need to change churches. We must find a pastor who can really help us get on the right track. If you have a problem finding a pastor, accountability person, or group; contact me and I will help you.

This concludes
“Purification Through Exposure.”

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