HELP Introduction

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I Know How To Get Happiness
We believe that things and people can make us happy and successful. However, only the right person with the right character (the character like Jesus has) can help you with happiness. Only the right things will bring true success in life and help you find real happiness that satisfies AND LASTS.

Jesus is and has all the characteristics that the people of this world need. If we are going to see improvements taking place in our life, and if we are going to be able to change our little area of our world in a positive direction, then we are going to have to be changed by Jesus first. He is able to give you the answers to your problems and to the questions you are struggling with.

Like us, you will find your life changing and improving in such a way that the people around you will be able to enjoy your company more and more. You will find out how to deal with your finances, emotions, physical issues, and relationships by being changed from the inside out. You won’t be trying to act like a nice person; Jesus will empower you to BE a wonderful, nice, and successful person.

Jesus’ Strategy In HELP eMagazine:

1. Identifying The Problem
Some of your problems are coming from inside you; other problems are coming from the circumstances outside you; and still other problems are being caused by the people around you. If your life is going to get better, all of these issues need to be recognized by you and identified by Jesus. He and His Word, the Bible, are the answers to all your, your friends, and your world’s needs.

2. Getting The Power
Jesus starts solving the issues of your life by starting with you. It may seem like you can’t do much about any of these things. Your own problems may be so big and powerful that you have given up on even trying to solve them. But, the fact is, He will be able to give you power to overcome your own personal problems. And, He will give you power to deal with the circumstances and relationships that are influencing you. Without this power, they will be too much for you to handle alone.
3. Using Your Problems
Your personal problems are going to be USED by Jesus to help you learn powerful principles. Our problems help us see our need for Jesus’ help. Then when we turn to Him for that help, He gives us principles and power to win over them. As Jesus helps you with a problem, you learn principles that help you succeed in other areas of your life. Jesus will also be teaching you how to control many of the circumstances and influences of the people around you; and, He will use your problems to teach and empower you to become the person you have always wanted to be.

4. Getting Control Of Your Life
You can be so changed in the way you live your life, that Jesus will cause you to start moving away from bad people-influences and damaging circumstances. He will help you move away from them and head toward those circumstances and people that have the potential to help you. He knows who and what to AVOID; and, He knows who and what to get involved in. He can give you abilities that will test people and “opportunities” that come your way so you will know what to do.

5. Getting Control Of Your Future
By being able to test and evaluate the things and people that are trying to get into your life, you will find yourself in control of your future. Jesus’ philosophies, principles, strategies, and techniques are the perfect way for succeeding at life. By Him healing and training you, He can make you the “right kind” of influence on those around you. If your life becomes so wonderful that you are filled with joy and excitement, it will impact many of your friends and associates.

People will start doing what you are doing so they can have what you have.

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