From Power Life To Eternal Life

The Power
From Power Life To
Eternal Life
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Freedom Comes Through Helping Others
Multiplying Your Human Life And Your Power Life
Now, let’s look again at the parable Jesus gave us. Each of the first two guys received a valuable coin and did something with it. That coin not only represents the human life you were given, it also represents the right of passage you were given into the Kingdom of God. So, let’s say you decide to allow God to empower you to be born AGAIN. If you are like the first man, you will take this new power life God gives you and share it with ten other people. Just like the first guy, you will use your human life and your power life and will have multiplied your life and new birth by helping ten other people into the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom Living Is Available To All
The second guy, in Jesus’ parable, multiplied his by helping five others get into the Kingdom of God. The third one was only concerned about his own personal safety. He just wanted to make sure he maintained a favorable relationship with his boss; so, he did nothing to help anyone else. Salvation (the right of passage into the Kingdom) is being made available for everyone; no one got left out. Jesus died on the cross for EVERYONE; but, it has to be accepted on an individual basis. The sad thing is that some people reject the greatest gift known to man.

Kingdom Living Is To Be Shared
Jesus was raised from the dead to provide EVERYONE with eternal life; it is yours. If you decide to accept Jesus and His Kingdom, you will have one extremely valuable coin in your hand. Since Jesus made this valuable coin of salvation available to every person, everywhere, each of us has to decide what we are going to do with it. Are we going to accept it and put it to work; or, just wrap it up in a napkin and leave it untouched until Jesus comes back to see what we did with it?
The More You Get, The More You Can Give
Life-Principles Are To Be Shared
Let’s assume you decide to accept Jesus’ healing and helping power into your own life; and, let’s assume you learn how to use spiritual principles to be very successful in relationships, marriage, family, friendships, business, and your career. So you decide to invest in the lives of other people by sharing what you have received from Jesus with them. As you receive Jesus’ salvation and are healed from your problems with loss of a loved one, your life doesn’t just become better. Your breakthroughs in all these areas become the tools you are able to use to help your friends with their life’s issues and their successes. THAT’S how you are able to let others in on these wonderful principles.

Helping Others Is Exciting
When Jesus comes back, you will be able to present all those lives you have invested in; this is where it gets exciting. Teaching others how to be successful in relationships, marriage, family, friendships, business, and their career is exciting. And, remember those ten cities the first guy got? Those are eternal opportunities to reign with Jesus over actual assigned places; no boredom for you. You are going to be having a very exciting life using God’s principles of relationships, as you rule over all the places He gives you. Remember the last sentence in Revelation 22:5 that we looked at some pages ago? It says: “And they will REIGN for ever and ever.”  That will be you, if you want to and are willing to “do what it takes.”

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