From Power Life To Eternal Life

The Power
From Power Life To
Eternal Life
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The Rewards Are Greater Than
Our Achievements
It Is Worth The Effort
The next thing to notice is God’s reward system. Notice how the servant was rewarded with ten cities? That is how eternity works. If you are faithful over the small decisions you make here, your eternal rewards will reflect your faithfulness; but, the rewards will be incredibly greater than your accomplishments.

Jesus’ Life-Principles Work Right Now
The Bible gives you spiritual principles that you can use to live your life successfully right now. If you live your life according to these principles, your current life and your eternal life will be EVEN BETTER. The two wise servants applied their master’s business principles. Like the first and second servants, you can apply Biblical principles that will make your life much better here and awesome in eternity.

God’s Kingdom Is Offering
Great Opportunities
The Better You Do Now, The Better You Will Be Then
Jesus’ parable is telling you that if you use His principles now, you are not going to be bored now or in God’s eternal Kingdom. And, eternity is going to be far more exciting than all of this life put together. But, part of what will put you in a position of having that fun and experiencing that pleasure is being decided right now. It is dependent on which principles you use for running your relationships, your business, your marriage, your family, your friendships, and your career.

The Better The Principles, The Better The Rewards
Can you imagine what it would be like to go from being a servant in charge of one coin to being promoted to leader over ten cities? That’s a big leap in types of rewards. We can be sure he didn’t expect that in his WILDEST dreams. But, that is the kind of God we have. His generosity and His principles are far greater and more wonderful than you will ever be able to imagine. God’s Kingdom is worth your investment. Plus, your life will much more pleasurable and fun now.
Your Friends Need You To
Learn How To Do This
Your Life Is Like Being Given A Coin
EVERYBODY needs to know that God is keeping a record of all our activities. Whether we want to join or not, we still have been entrusted with a life. What we do with that life is up to us. We can find out what God wants us to be doing and get actively involved; or, we can basically do nothing of value with it.

Your Life Can Be Like Increasing Your Coins
Just wanting to join the Kingdom isn’t all there is to it. While the Kingdom of God is an awesome place, we have to realize that ALL our spiritual diseases have to be dealt with now. One of those spiritual diseases that we all have been inflicted with is selfishness. It is an attitude where WE want in; but, we don’t care whether anyone else gets in. That isn’t an attitude that can be smuggled into the Kingdom. But, Jesus will help you use principles that will AUTOMATICALLY start helping the people around you.

The Opportunities Are Limitless Now
Helping Others Helps You
You are reading this with problems of your own. You probably don’t feel like you are ready to do anything to help someone else. But, this is the beginning of you getting rid of difficulties you are experiencing with spending. The thing about spending is that it can hurt you a lot; and, that draws your attention inward. The more you think about your pain and fight your hurts, the greater the pain gets; but, if you start helping others, you pain diminishes.

Helping Others Brings Jesus’ Help To You
If you allow Jesus to be the Lord and King of your life, He will get you started helping others with their problems WHILE He is healing you of yours. Those moments when your mind is off of your problems will be moments when you feel peace and joy. You can only think about one problem at a time. All during the time you are caring for others, you will be thinking about their problems and not yours. AND, Jesus will actually be solving your problem with spending.

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