The Lord’s Prayer For Mature Christians

The Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer For
Mature Christians
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Hallowed Be Your Name

You Have A Lot To Be Thankful For
Hallowed means we greatly revere and honor our heavenly Father.
Phil 4:4 (NIV) Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!
Phil 4:6 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Building A Thankful Relationship
Your heavenly Father is all about relationships; He enjoys your expressions of praise and worship. You will discover more and more how WORTHY He is for receiving your appreciation and words of praise. He is the only being that is able to receive such words and expressions without it corrupting His character and attitudes. The greatest results that come from our praise, worship, and thanksgiving TO GOD is what it all does to US. The more you do these things, the more you will FEEL a joy, happiness, peace, and excitement in your chest.

A Growing And Maturing Prayer
As you study, learn, memorize, and get interpretations to the Scriptures from the Holy Spirit, you will be able to use the “outline” of The Lord’s Prayer to add and expand each concept that is being represented in each word and sentence. “Hallowed be Your name” isn’t just a sentence that is to stand alone and never be built on. It is a sentence that is to be expanded into a time of praise, worship, and thanksgiving for all the wonderful things God has done in your life. It helps you not just ask for things, get them, and then move on. A relationship is built on respect, love, appreciation, and expressions of thankfulness.

A Praise, Worship, And Thanksgiving List
The first thing you need to start doing is making a mental or written list of all the wonderful things your heavenly Father has done for you. Salvation is one of those things that could take up most of your praise time as you express HOW “hallowed” your Father’s name is. Just think about where you would be right now, if He hadn’t given you salvation. In other words, as you go through this prayer, maturity comes as you EXPAND this prayer into using it as a reminder, a guideline, an outline for what is to be addressed first, second, and so on.

The First Thing
Before You Want More
Psa 100:4-5 (NIV) Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. Jesus is saying, by putting the “Hallowed be Your name” sentence at the first of the prayer, that you are to start your prayers to your Father with praise, worship, and thanksgiving. This was something that God taught David in his prayers in the Psalms. We don’t want to start off with requests, petitions, and questions until we have first shown our appreciation for all the things He has ALREADY done for us.

A List That Builds Power-Love
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name: The more you put in your list of appreciation, praise, thankfulness, and worship, the more the words, “Our Father” mean to our heart. As our mind gets all these REASONS for appreciation, praise, thankfulness, and worship, the more our heart is able to FEEL appreciation, praise, thankfulness, and worship. The hard part is NOTICING the miracles, transformations, and blessings as coming from God. And, it is also hard to see them as miracles, transformations, and blessings.

Don’t Ignore The Miracles
Hallowed be Your name doesn’t grow in our heart, if we take the events and circumstances of our lives for granted. It isn’t until we start looking for things to put on our list that we start noticing ALL the wonderful things God is doing for us. One of the biggest things God does for us is keep most bad things from happening to us in the first place. You may not want to think about this; but, as you look at all the things that are happening to others, what has God protected you from; are you glad, thankful, appreciative, and ready to worship Him for it?

A Prayer Of Appreciation
If you have your praise, worship, and thanksgiving list ready, say: “Hallowed be Your name” then expand this sentence with praise, worship and thanksgiving for all the things on your list; but, be sure to do it from your heart.

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