Protection Through Love

The Protection
Protection Through
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Ministerial Spiritual Warfare, like Preventative Spiritual Warfare, involves the full armor of God. But, it isn't just protecting us. When we stand in between someone and major satanic lies and attacks, our armor is also protecting the person standing behind us. When we start looking at our armor as a protective device for others, we are able to see a whole new aspect of spiritual warfare. The same things it is doing for us are the same things it is doing for them. If we get knocked out, the people behind us get knocked out. Until they get their armor on, our armor is the only line of defense they have. While we are standing in the gap for them:
  • we are protecting them from spiritual and physical bondage with our helmet of salvation;

  • we are protecting them from doing evil deeds (sin) with our breastplate of righteousness;

  • we are protecting them from unbelief with our shield of faith;

  • we are protecting them from believing lies with our belt of truth;

  • we are protecting them from using useless human effort with our sword of the Spirit;

  • we are protecting them from eternal death (hell) with our shoes of the gospel of peace.

The full armor of God deals with the most important issue in all of life...God. God and the things of God are the most important issues in all of eternity. Let's do a quick review of what we are using the full armor of God for, as we use it to protect others.
  • The helmet of salvation will move those we are ministering to into the transforming power of God. Through faith they will receive salvation and will learn how to take advantage of forgiveness and all of salvation's other benefits.

  • The breastplate of righteousness deals with the deeds of God. Those people we are ministering to must believe that what God does is the correct behavior to have. Knowing the character of what God does is protected in them by our breastplate of righteousness.

    Who God is, is protected in them as we use our belt of truth to minister to them. It is obvious to us that what God does comes from Who He is. But, new, immature, and untrained Christians often can't see Who God is without it being manifest to them through what He does. The Holy Spirit is at work in Christians, revealing God and His deeds to them. As they see these deeds and are empowered to do them, their life becomes filled with good deeds (righteousness).

  • The shield of faith turns people's trust to God. They will only receive the good things of God through faith. We will be helping them to start experiencing the supernatural miracles of God in their lives. As they experience these beginning relationships with God, it will open up all kinds of special doors for them. As they go through these doors they will experience the victorious Christian life for themselves.
  • The truth about God has to be a part of all we are. Any lies believed about God will do major damage to us and the people around us. As we use our belt of truth it helps those we are protecting to stay on track with these truths of God. God promises that these truths will continuously be setting us and them free.

  • The sword of the Spirit will help protect people who don't have adequate truth on their own. We will use it to resist Satan as he tries to destroy them and we will be training the untrained on how to use the Word of God, the sword of the Spirit, to protect themselves. The Holy Spirit will use the Word of God, the Bible, to reveal to them that human effort is useless and that the power of God is their only answer. This revelation will increase their relationship with their heavenly Father, Who will empower their relationship with themselves and others.

  • The gospel of peace shoes are the method that is used to reveal God and His deeds to those who do not know Him. God has done wonderful things for all humans. However, a lot of these people have no idea what God has done. We will be constantly using the gospel of peace shoes to bring these awesome pieces of information to all people so they can have eternal life.

This concludes our six devotional studies on Strategy, Submission, Resistance, Purification, Prevention, and Protection. As you continue to grow spiritually and experience breakthroughs in various aspects of these six areas, be aware of the fact that each breakthrough certifies you for teaching others those particular truths.

These devotions have been put in strategic order so you can not only learn these truths and be empowered by God to live them, it makes them easy for you to use to teach others the same Biblical things. Allow God to write them in your heart in such a way that you are able to skillfully spread these powerful Bible truths to all those around you.

This will open your life of being a helped person who is now helping hurting people.

You will be able to take all who are willing from the very beginnings of their relationship with God all the way to victorious and dynamic ministry. You will be able to have these devotions in your hands for your own spiritual growth and available to use step-by-step methods to take others into the same spiritual breakthroughs.

Teach them to share these truths with others the moment they experience a breakthrough in their own life. Let them know that each breakthrough they experience certifies them for being able to share it with those around them. By using this method, established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we will be able to spread the gospel to every person around the world.

Be a World Changer and take Jesus (His life), His message (words), His ministry (work), and His methods (strategy) and make disciples (students of Jesus) in every nation. God bless you abundantly, Your friends in the staff of World Changers TLC.

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