Protection Through Love

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We Have To Be Submitted
John 5:3-6 (NIV) Here a great number of disabled people used to lie--the blind, the lame, the paralyzed. One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, He asked him, "Do you want to get well?"

The needs that exist all around us are much more numerous than we have the ability to meet. This was the case with Jesus. Even though there were a lot of people who were laying around the pool, Jesus went to one specific person. Why? Because the man had been in that condition for a long time? No. Because the Father told Him to.

John 12:49 (NIV) For I did not speak of My own accord, but the Father Who sent Me commanded Me what to say and how to say it.

John 12:50 (NIV) I know that His command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told Me to say.

Jesus' words were brought under the authority of the Father. That too was a love relationship. If we love Him, we will be obedient to Him.

John 14:10 (NIV) Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in Me? The words I say to you are not just My own. Rather, it is the Father, living in Me, Who is doing His work.

Jesus' ministry was brought under the control of the Father. That made Jesus' ministry the Father's ministry. That is what is to happen to us. Our life and ministry is to be brought into submission to Jesus. He must be allowed to minister through us His way. Saying that we are submitting our life and ministry to Jesus doesn't make it so. We must actually do it. Jesus knows who He wants to go minister to and when. We, also, have to know who Jesus wants to go minister to. Because our time, resources, and effort are limited, Jesus is going to help us use them very wisely. Not one moment, cent, or element of energy will be wasted once we start more effectively yielding in love to the mind of Christ.
Don't You Recognize My Voice?
John 10:14-16 (NIV) I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me--just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father--and I lay down My life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They TOO will listen to My voice, and there shall be one flock and one Shepherd.

We Will Know
The beginning and continuing relationship with Jesus is knowing Him and responding immediately to His voice. At first He will start showing us how and when to respond to large, obvious issues. But, as time goes on, He expects us to develop such a love relationship with Him that we are receptive and responsive to even the smallest details. Knowing what and when Jesus wants us to do something in a given situation isn't all that hard. He usually waits until He wants it done to talk to us. So, He is usually expecting an immediate response. Plus, He always speaks with clarity and power. We will know what He is asking us to do and we will have the power to do it immediately. The question is, will we want to do what we know He wants us to do?

Pray To Obey Immediately
Most of us, who come to a point where Jesus is asking us to do something, start worrying about whether or not we will hear what Jesus is saying? What if He talks to us and we miss it? It is Jesus' responsibility to talk to us in such a way that we will hear, understand, and have the power to do it immediately. We can relax on that issue. Where is the area where we have responsibility? Obedience. We won't be facing any confusion as to whether or not Jesus said it. We won't be having trouble knowing what He said. We will have a full understanding as to what it all means. We will also have all the power it is going to take to instantly fulfill the assignment. The thing we need to concern our self with is, will we do it? Jesus will take good care of His part. We are only responsible for our part. Are we willing to obey Jesus' wishes? Let's pray and ask our heavenly Father to help us respond immediately to whatever Jesus asks us to do. Let's ask Him to empower us to always be ready and willing to respond to the slightest indication that Jesus wants to use us to help someone. Another issue besides love has to come into play, faith.

This concludes your studying for today.
Just spend some time thinking and praying about
what you have studied so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

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