Talking With Your Heavenly Father

The Prayer
Talking With Your
Heavenly Father
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Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
James 1:5 (NIV) If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, Who gives GENEROUSLY to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. John 8:32 (NIV) Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. God’s knowledge is the power to know a truth from God; God’s understanding is the power to be able to know what that truth means; and God’s wisdom is the power to know HOW to apply that truth to your life. Then, if you choose to apply that truth to your life, you will be set free by knowing, understanding, and applying it.

True Knowledge Works
Jesus is still leading us through the issues of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. Knowledge is one of the words the Bible uses for truth; if you know something but it isn’t true, then the Bible doesn’t consider it as knowledge. Once you get the truth about an issue, you can use that “knowledge” to better your life.

World Knowledge Doesn’t Work
Biblical knowledge is always information that is telling you how things really are (the truth). The misinformation that we often start our lives with is proven to be false because it doesn’t work the way it is supposed to. Truth gives the desired results because it is knowledge that tells you how thing really work. You can base your life on that kind of knowledge because it is the truth.

True Understanding Is Based On True Knowledge
So, Jesus isn’t just talking about any kind of information; He is telling us about reliable information that does what it says it will do. The next issue is for you to be able to obtain the MEANING that, that knowledge is trying to present. If you get the TRUE meaning to TRUE knowledge, then you have what the Bible calls “understanding.” But if you think a Biblical truth or Biblical knowledge means one thing and it really means something else, then you still don’t have understanding. The word “understanding” in the Bible is you being able to understand the true meaning that it is trying to help you get from some of its knowledge.

True Wisdom Is Based On True Understanding
Wisdom is the ability to take information (KNOWLEDGE) that you UNDERSTAND the meaning to and be able to WISELY apply it to your life. First, you get true knowledge as you study these Bible verses. Second, you gradually start understanding their true meaning, as you read through these comments that Jesus is explaining to you. Then you pray a prayer that asks God to help you get this TRUTH into your life. Wisdom is the system God uses to help you get His power and healing into your life.

Biblical TRUTH
Bible Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom--Heal
You get more and more of God’s wisdom as you learn how and what to pray. Wisdom has to do with the ability to apply true knowledge and true understanding to the full aspects of your life. Because the Bible only deals with truth, the results you get from this kind of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom is healing for the difficulties you are experiencing with guilt.

Biblical Purposes And Procedures
As you read your Bible, it will be working on six aspects of your life. It will be telling you how wonderful, powerful, and loving God and His provisions are. It will be trying to help you DESIRE to be close to God and His provisions. As you STUDY it, it will be teaching you truths that you never knew before. It will be teaching you how to PRAY, what to PRAY, and why you should PRAY. It will be helping you BELIEVE that everything it says is true. It will be helping you see the importance of sharing these wonderful things with others by giving you GOD’S LOVE. And, it will be teaching you how to live on the basis of the fact that God DID answer your prayers and DID install these truths in you. This will be done by you taking FAITH-ACTION.
Wisdom Is Made Up Of Six Things
If you want to apply one of God’s truths to your life, the first thing wisdom will lead you into is to DESIRE it. If you don’t want it, God won’t give it to you.

Next, wisdom will lead you into STUDYING so you can find the truth you need in the Bible. If you don’t know that, that truth exists, what it says, and what it means, you can’t take the next step and PRAY for it to be installed in your life.

It is important to always keep in mind that when you PRAY, you are inviting God into that specific situation; if you don’t pray and ask for it, He won’t help you with it.

After praying for it, you must know when Jesus answered your prayer and gave it to you. So, you ask Jesus to give you His faith to BELIEVE you have that truth installed in your life.

After that, you must LOVE others enough to be willing to share it with them. If you are selfish, none of these six things will work.

Finally, you must start using that truth Jesus installed in your life by taking FAITH-ACTION. That is you living on the basis of the fact that you have that truth setting you free.

The World’s System
SELF-Help Rather Than GOD-Help
Most of the systems of the world require YOU to help yourself. They tell YOU how YOU should be thinking; they tell YOU how YOU should be feeling; they tell YOU how YOU should be acting; and, they tell YOU how to talk and what to say. That is why they are called SELF-help books and seminars. The only world system that doesn’t put all the pressure on YOU is the medical system.

Mood Altering Medications
Mood altering drugs are used to modify your way of life; but, they lack the ability to be flexible so you can react differently during different situations. Mood altering drugs hold a person to one condition; if you are being medicated to relax, then when you need to be excited and happy, you can’t respond. If you are being medicated so as to be more excited, when you need to calm down, you aren’t able to change.

God’s System
Prayer Gets God’s Knowledge, Understanding, And Wisdom
God’s system is to provide you with a prayer plan; this is a way for you to give Him permission to help you get into a normal way of life. You get His power, love, help, and healing so you can react to life the way you need to. You and Jesus work together to address the issues of life. Prayer invites your heavenly Father into your life so you and He can form a close relationship. In response to your prayers, He will not only provide you with healing for your struggles with guilt, He will offer to become your closest friend.

Comparing The Two Systems
The next set of prayers, you and Jesus will be working on, will help you see the difference between the way the world system thinks and works, and the way God thinks and works. You will be able to decide whether you want to keep your old training or pray for God’s new way of life.

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