The Discovery Studies

Truth For
“Finding The Right Solution”

Your Path To Healing From Problems With Addiction
Being Equipped To Win In Life
You are struggling with addiction; and, this issue is what is bothering you the most. Jesus will be providing you with three tool sets that you will need to use so you can win over this issue. You are now moving into a relationship with Jesus; His training will help you become EXTREMELY skillful with these spiritual tools. By establishing a relationship with Him, He will teach you how to apply these three tool sets to your problem with addiction and to every other issue in your life.

Your next step is called spiritual growth; Jesus is using this growth to increase your relationship with Him; He will use it to train you and help you with your struggles. He will empower you to become a mature, trained, experienced, skilled child of God. The three tool sets that Jesus will be giving you and training you how to use, will be like you going down to the store and buying your very first set of tools for a new career. You wouldn’t know much about how to use them; but, you would need to buy them so you could take them to school where they would train you in their use.

A Project To Practice On
If you bought woodworking tools, then you would need to get some MATERIALS to practice on and you would need a PROJECT. Jesus is going to be giving you three spiritual tool sets for dealing with your difficulty with addiction. The MATERIALS you will be working on will be your life; and, the PROJECT you will be working on will be your struggles with addiction. Your new spiritual tools will be basically kept in three “toolboxes.” They are labelled, The Three Keys To All Of Christianity, The Six Biblical Principles, and The Eight Power-Attitudes Of God.

Since this problem with addiction is something you have a real desire to win over, Jesus will be using it as your major “project.” Using your spiritual tools to overcome this issue will help you get skillful with these tools. Jesus will also be going through various other needs you have and letting you practice using these three tool sets on them. Since your difficulty with addiction is the biggest and most challenging issue in your life, it will be the hardest for you to completely win over. So, there will be times when Jesus will have you practice on some smaller issues.

Getting Some Successes
Easier, smaller problems in your life will take less effort to win over. You will need to see your three tool sets help you get good results from time to time. Long, complicated, and difficult problems like addiction will take a lot of skill, experience, talent, and power. You will need to allow Jesus to teach you, train you, help you practice, and help you grow spiritually before you get a final success over your problems with addiction.

You must trust Jesus to know what is best for you; even though you may not agree with His methods, He is extremely brilliant in guiding you into the very best way for you to win over your issues with addiction. Plus, Jesus’ objective isn’t to just help you win over your struggles with addiction, He wants to lead you into exciting ways of living your life. These exciting things that Jesus will be leading you into will crowd out the emotional aspects of this struggle and a lot of other things that are causing you to feel pain.

Spiritual Growth
If you were a person in sports working on something that was going to take a lot of physical strength and agility, there would be special routines that you would have to do every day to get your body ready for it. You would be required to do exercises that may not seem like they had anything to do with your goal. But, as a person in sports, you would have to trust your coach. You would have to be willing to allow them to take you into physical training, special diets, and practices that got your ready for the real thing.

Jesus knows what He is doing; there can be many studies and prayer times that don’t even mention your issues with addiction. But, they are vital to you future successes in dealing with your difficulties with it and with all of the rest of your life’s assignments. Spiritual growth has to do with your power, your training, your skills, your talents, your experiences, and your abilities. Jesus is teaching you how to be a very successful child of God.

The Training And Provisions Of Jesus
Spiritual Power
The world says that absolute power corrupts absolutely. This isn’t true of Jesus: Mat 28:18-20 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Jesus immediately shared His power and authority with you; and, He is telling you to go share it with everyone else. Spiritual growth helps you have the necessary attitudes and character so Jesus’ power won’t tempt you to be corrupted. Instead, you will get the same generosity, love, and compassion for others that Jesus had for you. Spiritual growth helps you get the mighty power and principles of Jesus; and then you use them to help hurting people. You will be exposed to power that could be used for wrong, bad, and evil purposes. But, Jesus makes sure you use them for win/win methods, systems, programs, and relationships that bless everyone who is willing.

Character And Attitudes
Most training programs don’t deal with the attitudes and character of a person. The hospitals, clinics, businesses, schools, and suppliers will typically provide an evil person with the same things that they do to an honest person. As long as they get their money, they don’t usually try to make sure the person is going to use their provisions for good. However, Jesus cares more about honesty and integrity than anything else.

Jesus wants to know what you are going to do with all your wins, victories, and successes. If He healed you, blessed you, and gave you His power and you purposefully used it for wrong, bad, and evil, that would make Him a part of what you did and who you are. Jesus isn’t going to drive the get-away car while you rob the bank. He will make sure your attitudes and character are such that you will use His miracles, blessings, healings, and power for only right, good, and righteous purposes.

Jesus’ Top Priority
Mat 6:33 (NIV) But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these THINGS will be given to you as well. So, if Jesus spends a lot of time working on your spiritual growth rather than just trying to help you win over your issues with addiction, you will know why. He wants you to learn how to win over these things by them flowing through you as a righteous, good person.

Jesus wants you to win and then go out and live a good, right, and righteous life with others. He wants you to use your victories for becoming a person who only involves themselves in win/win things. But, you will only BECOME this type of person through a relationship with Jesus and His mighty power. If you will allow Jesus to change your attitudes and character through the three tool sets, as you start winning over your struggles with addiction, you will use this new freedom and success for wonderful, loving, and caring things. Many people will benefit from the new you.

What’s Next?
Moving Forward With Jesus
You have been involved in studying with Jesus and Him helping you understand and grow through your studies. You have spent time praying and asking Jesus to put the truths in your life that you discovered during your studies. These two procedures of studying and praying are getting you used to and ready for a special life with Jesus. This is introducing you into procedures that work in Christianity. But, study and prayer are only two of many tools that are vital and powerful for helping you win over your battle with addiction. All the exposure to the truths in these studies and all the prayers you have prayed will need additional support. For example, you will need to BELIEVE that these studies and prayers are working. Faith to believe is very important to God; and, so are several other things that the three tool sets will provide you. So, ask Jesus to help you be ready for becoming skillful in all He is about to provide for you.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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