The Discovery Studies

Truth For
“Finding The Right Solution”

Why Is It So Hard To Break Free
From Problems With Addiction?
You Have Been Trapped
A lot of people don’t realize what struggles with addiction really are. They don’t realize that people who are facing addiction issues have lost their God-given free will on the matter. People with addiction issues make themselves and other people promises to quit; and, when they make those promises, they are often very sincere. It isn’t until they really try to break free that they discover they are trapped. Once you have allowed your body to experience intense, immediate pleasure, it accepts the plan as a superior plan to normal life. Your body doesn’t like pain, delays in getting pleasure, nor does it just want mild experienses of happiness. It likes intense pleasure, and will keep dealing with you about fulfilling its desires.

You Are A Spirit Being
The real you that lives inside your body, your spirit, understands work, accomplishments, delays, and the mild, normal forms of pleasure that come from living life the way God created you to live it. So, there is the real you, that lives in your body, and your body. As you can see, you and your body don’t have the same philosophies or goals. This creates a conflict between you and your animalistic body. You, the spirit person inside your body, has a conscience. The Holy Spirit speaks to the real you, a spirit being, and helps you feel good about treating yourself and other people the right way. He also causes you to feel bad when you treat yourself and others in wrong, bad, or evil ways. However, your body doesn’t have a conscience; it is animalistic in its drives, urges, desires, and demands. It doesn’t care who it hurts; it just wants to feel good and avoid experiencing pain.

Biblical Guidance
God created you with a free will; you can expose your body to anything you want to. As long as you follow Bible principles, you will never give your body a taste of immediate, intense pleasure. The Bible tells you what will hurt you and what is good for you. As long as you listen to Jesus and the Bible’s directions, you avoid exposing your body to things it can get used to. For as long as your body doesn’t know about all these things, it can’t drive you crazy as it tries to get them. The potential was resident in your body; but, the knowledge, the memory of the experiences, and the deep desire to get that experience wasn’t there yet. But, when you made a mistake, decided to go ahead and try it once, or jumped into it ignorantly, the bodily desire was on. You had a fight on your hands from the moment you exposed your body to immediate, extreme pleasure. You discovered that your body was out of control and you were going to need outside help.

Holy Spirit Guidance
You may not have been exposed to a Bible in your early training. But you were exposed to warnings from the Holy Spirit in your conscience. John 16:8 (NIV) When He comes, He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. You were warned by the Holy Spirit to avoid those things that take your free will away from you. But, like the rest of us, you sinned against your conscience and went ahead and did things you knew were wrong. We all tried one or more of those things listed in Galatians 5:19-21.

A List Of Spiritual Diseases
Gal 5:19-21 (NIV) The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery (excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures); idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. As you look over this list, not everyone agrees with the fact that these things aren’t good for us. You can’t just go to any “professional” and have them see these things as spiritual diseases. Many of these “experts” are CURRENTLY involved in the same spiritual diseases themselves.

Making A Trade
Outside Help
There are a lot of places for you to go to try to get help. There are hundreds, if not thousands of methods out there for you to try. However, there is one method that brings true health, healing, and wholeness to your life. If you go to a physical doctor to get healed from a disease and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it, he won’t help you. Only Jesus has a clear picture of what has long term wrong, bad, and evil effects. He, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit have labeled them SINS. Only Jesus has a clear picture of what will bring long term blessings into your life. He, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit have labeled them RIGHTEOUSNESS. If you come to Jesus, He will not only help you with those things you know about, He will give you a much more complete list of sins and righteousness. This will help you avoid any new pit falls that are still in front of you.

It’s Not Just Following A List
Jesus has a procedure that works on every person that follows it. He has one hundred percent results with all who follow His system to the letter. He has everything you need or could ever want. Not only does He have everything you need in order to be delivered from addiction issues, He has the ability to take you into a way of life that is far superior to anything you have ever thought about or imagined you would ever have. Obviously you would be very happy just to get rid of your struggles with addiction; but, Jesus has much more to offer.

Complete Healing
Jesus isn’t offering you a system that leaves you craving something that is out of your control, while teaching you how to suffer through it. He is going to provide you with a powerful healing that resets your body back to normal. It will still have the “normal” potential to be infected again with the old struggles or even with a new one. You won’t be able to expose your body to immediate, extreme pleasure again and get by with it. But, it will no longer be driving you. You will NO LONGER be that kind of person; Jesus will take you back to that place of innocents, freedom, and self-control. You will get your God-given free will back.

Focusing On A New Life
After Jesus sets you free from your body’s overwhelming drives, He will be inviting you into a way of life that is superior to what you see most people involved in. It will have a lot more pleasure, joy, happiness, and fun than those who have regimented their lives and disciplined themselves to never expose their body to immediate, intense pleasure. Jesus’ rewards and benefits will help you get involved in life in a very dynamic way. You aren’t being led into a life where being set free from struggles with addiction is the main theme. You will be led away from the thing that is dominating your thoughts, feelings, and deeds. Jesus doesn’t cause you to spend your days learning how to deal with your struggles with addiction. That would keep your problems with addiction in the forefront of your mind all the time.

Seeing Your Future
If you don’t REALLY desire to be set free from your problems with addiction, you will be going through all these studies and prayers, but, your heart won’t really be in the process; you will be kidding yourself into believing that you DESIRE to be set free but you won’t. Jesus has to show you where you are going; you have to WANT the new way of life Jesus is offering. He will have to show you what it is you are trading for. Mat 13:44 (NIV) The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Jesus has to help you sell out your issues with addiction so you can buy into the great things He has to offer.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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