The Discovery Studies

Truth For
“Finding The Right Solution”

Everywhere I Look, Things Look Bad
Your View Is Changing
There are times when everyone exeriences sadness. There are even times when you can experience intense sadness; but, most of the time they usually go away. However, what you are experiencing isn’t like typical sadness; this kind doesn’t gradually allow you to forget it and feel better. Jesus wants to help you with this persistant problem; He wants to give you a joy in your heart that is more powerful than struggles with depression. Joy isn’t overcome by physical issues, finances, circumstances, emotional issues, or relationships. He wants to give you a power-emotion that keeps you happy no matter what happens to you or how you typically feel.

Your Faith Is Changing
It is VERY important that you realize that your relationship with Jesus, and, your healing through Him flows through FAITH in Him and what you BELIEVE He can do for you. Right now, you may not feel like believing, trusting, relying, or depending on Jesus. But, if you will just let Him take you through the process of healing your heart, He will help and empower you to be able to believe, trust, depend, and rely on Him.

Once you allow Jesus to give you FAITH so you can BELIEVE He wants to help you, your relationship with Him will improve; and, your provisions from Him will increase. Out of all the problems you are facing, your heart is in the greatest trouble. You may want Jesus to work on something else; and, He will. But He will need to work on your heart first. It is the road, the way, and the avenue through which He will supply you with the healing you need in all the areas of your life. You have to be helped to BELIEVE that even though you have tried many things that ended up failing you, you are now at the place where Jesus will do what nothing else could do.

Your Perspective Is Changing
This type of problem you have is like looking through blue tinted glasses; it affects the way everything looks. Even things should help you be happy, peaceful, and confident, don’t seem to bring positive emotions into your heart. Typically you won’t be able to come up with a good reason for why you feel the way you do. Some events may make you feel a little bit better and other things may make you feel a little bit worse; but, the main feeling of pain and negative emotions stay the same. Jesus makes it where you are able to take the blue tinted glasses off and put on rose tinted glasses. He changes the overall perspective of your life; He brightens your day. But, you must allow Him to help you have faith in Him.

Your Resources Are Changing
This condition you are facing causes you to hurt deep down in your heart; and nothing seems to help it go away. Even medication often just takes away your life rather than fix the pain. Sometimes it seems like there are THINGS in your life that are causing you to feel worse; but, you soon find out that there doesn’t have to be any reason, that you can think of, and you are still feeling depressed. This can cause you to feel like nothing and no one has the answer to giving you back your heart and your life. However, if you can be convinced that Jesus has the answer, that will help you feel expectancy, faith, hope, peace, and assurance again. You just have to be helped to put your trust in Him.

Depression Won’t Let You Feel Excited
You Aren’t Walled Off
Jesus knows that even when things have happened to you that should have encouraged you and given you some expectations of happiness and peace, you were in such pain and feeling so depressed you couldn’t react with faith, hope, peace, and expectation. Things that should have caused a little ray of sunshine to shine and give you peace in your heart have been blocked off by the wall of depression issues. However, even though this has been you past experience, are you willing to allow Jesus to join you with His power? If you will keep pushing forward in these studies and prayers, He will help you break through this wall.

You Need More Than Being Cheered Up
Jesus knows your friends have tried to cheer you up and encourage you, but you weren’t able to take advantage of their efforts. You may have smiled and tried to show appreciation for their concern, but you still felt the pain and pressure on the inside. The fact that they couldn’t help you and you couldn’t respond to their efforts doesn’t mean your situation is hopeless. If you will do what it takes to stop believing you can’t be helped, Jesus will provide you with His type of friendship; He is like a light shining in a dark room. He doesn’t just try to cheer you up or encourage you, He provides you with a new outlook on life.

Cheery, positive thoughts and friendship support can help a little; but, what you need is a change of emotional perspective. Since healing from Jesus comes through love, faith, trust, reliance, peace, and assurance, all you have to do is ALLOW Him to put these things into your emotions; they go deep down into your heart. If you will let Him, He will give you the tools to be set free. You just have to be CONVINCED that He is able to do this for you. You just have to be helped to BELIEVE that He has the power and desire do this.

If your car was broken down and needed a mechanic to do some repairs on the motor, it wouldn’t solve the problem by giving your car a good cleaning and polishing. Jesus can reach down in those areas where you are hurting and heal them. If you will allow Jesus to use these word and prayers to build faith in your heart; if you will allow them to help you believe in Him and His power to heal, you will be healed. You don’t just need to be cheered up or encouraged, you need your faith and feelings repaired. Let these words and the prayers that go with them to build faith in you.

You Are Now Protected
You can remember a time when you had a lot of fun with your friends. It is obvious to you that the efforts of your friends and some of the positive circumstances that you experienced SHOULD have cheered you up and have given you peace and faith; but they didn’t! That can ADD feelings of guilt, frustration, confusion, and other negative feelings against you. When you feel depressed, the pain from it makes you suseptible to many bad emotions. That is why Jesus wants you to open your heart once more and let Him help you feel loved, cared for, befriended, and valuable. If you will trust Him and be willing to open your heart to Him, He will keep additional damaging thoughts, experiences, and circumstances from hurting you. He will give you a future that will be very different from your present and past.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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