The Discovery Studies

Truth For
“Finding The Right Solution”

Listen To Your Heart
Feelings of pain and pressure caused by your body and your heart are their way of helping you realize you have a life-problem. The struggles coming from your difficulties with depression are letting you know you need help; more specifically, they are are letting you know you need Jesus’ help. You may be the type of person who has always felt like you could solve anything and didn’t need anyone’s help. The fact that you are battling with this issue and are feeling like giving up may be a real confusion to you. You may have never experienced defeat like this before; but, you just need to listen to your body and your heart and allow Jesus to come to their rescue.

Look At The Stars
You may have to ask God to help you accept your limitations. Go outside at night and take a look at the stars and allow them to be your evidence that God is bigger than you and can do a lot more than you can. You need to come to the place where you are willing to ask God for His help. You will need to transfer your faith, belief, reliance, dependency, and trust into God. The painful feelings from depression issues are only pointing to YOUR limits; they don’t apply to God. Even though you have run out of resources, strength, and happiness in yourself, you haven’t exhausted all God can do. Even though you are finding out that you are NOT your answer to all your needs; you aren’t finding out there is no answer. God has the character, attitudes, and power you need to look to. If you are willing to SEE the greatness of God and the limits you and other humans have, Jesus will start teaching and training you on HOW to use tools that will set you free.

Change Your Mind
Issues with depression have focused your attention on certain feelings, situations, and circumstances. Your eyes are focused on the greatness, the impossibility, the persistance, and the power this problem has over you. You need Jesus to help you get your faith, trust, and beliefs out of how big and powerful this issue is. As long as you are looking inward at your feelings or outward at physical conditions, life events, and circumstancial issues, all you will be able to see and believe in are those things that caused your heart its fears, doubts, depression, hopelessness and pain in the first place. Your faith, your heart, and your mind will be locked into these things.

You have a better source for an evaluation of your condition. With God, you aren’t locked into a difficult situation with depression because of your or someone else’s diagnosis of this problem. You need Jesus to show you how much bigger and powerful He is in comparison to your issues. Jesus needs to help you get your eyes off of how big and impossible this issue is and help you see how big and powerful He is. But, this is going to require you to give Him your time and effort. You have to be willing to keep spending this time studying with Him and praying to Him.

Finding The Right Relationship
Emotions Are Most Important
In order for you to start getting your eyes off of how big your issues with depression are and start BELIEVING in Jesus’ power, you need to open your heart to feelings of being loved. It may take some time for God to change your circumstances; it may take time for Him to change your emotions; it may take time changing your finances; it may take time changing your relationships; it may take some time changing your physical condition; but, all of that will happen if you allow Him to change your heart. Your heart BELIEVES in the power, impossibilities, and greatness of depression issues. As long as this is true, you won’t be able to BELIEVE in the love, compassion, and power of Jesus. He is going to help you redirect your attention for a while and help you concentrate on your relationship with God. Let God show you how much He loves you JUST AS YOU ARE. Your circumstances, your finances, your physical condition, and your relationships must not control your emotions. Jesus wants to help you have powerful emotions FROM HIM that provide you the faith, the happiness, and the joy you need so you can face the issues of life.

You Are God’s Child
Because you are God’s child, He accepts you and cares what happens to you; He is your Father. Forget for a few moments about your emotional needs, your physical needs, your financial needs, your relational needs, the outside world, the people and circumstances of life, and simply let Jesus talk to you about you. You are important to your heavenly Father; and He wants you to be able to FEEL His love. Accept His love for you for no other REASON than because you are His child.
God IS Love
God Loves You
God doesn’t just HAVE love; He IS love. He doesn’t just feel a love for you; He has taken a love-action so as to demonstrate His love. He came and died for you so you could know there is no one who loves you more than He does.

Here are some things you need to think about and accept:
  • God loves you more than you love yourself.

  • He knows everything and can anticipate what you are going to need long before you need it.

  • He is always with you and is always available to be your protection.

  • He has all power and authority and can, therefore, keep bad things from happening to you.

  • He knows your future and can steer you away from those things that would have hurt you.

  • He has all wisdom, knowledge, and understanding and uses them to make sure you get the very best of everything.

Yielding To God’s Love
Pouring It Into Your Heart
Rom 5:5 (NIV) And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Whom He has given us. Even if you didn’t have a very loving set of parents and don’t know how to react to love, just relax and allow God to pour His love into your heart. Even if you have always combined the idea of sex with the concept of love, let Him show you a love that doesn’t involve sex. If you have come from a situation where extreme or unreasonable discipline was made a part of love, let God show you GRACE (gifts you don’t have to earn) and MERCY (forgiveness and freedom from a punishment that you deserve to experience). Before things can get better AROUND you, they are going to have to get better INSIDE you. If you don’t allow God’s love to flood your heart, then you won’t be able to appreciate it, when things do get better around you. Internal healing will take the blue tinted glasses off of your eyes and allow you to be able to see the sunshine, when God parts the clouds for you.

Pouring It Into Your Future
Jesus wants to give you a life that isn’t so affected by those things around you. If you can allow Him to do it, He will give you a new heart that will be excited and filled with faith and love even when things start looking bad. Instead of painful and depressed feelings being able to get inside you and take away your love, joy, and faith, you will be able to use tremendous amounts of love, joy, and faith to defeat painful and depressed feelings. Your relationship with God will become so positive and secure that you will have all the power, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge from Him for how to defeat those painful, frustrating, threatening, derogatory, negative, and evil feelings. As you go back to looking at your issues with depression, you won’t need to ignore them as if they don’t exist, you will be able to face them with Jesus’ healing power. It is so much easier to win when you are filled with the love, joy, excitement, happiness, and faith you get from your heavenly Father. You and Jesus will work together to bring you into the victorious life in God.

What Happens Next?
Old Testament Examples
The Bible not only has powerful truths that transform your life, it has wonderful examples that help you see and understand these truths. Jesus will be using one of the people from centuries ago to train you because they faced the challenging issues of life like you. He made sure that the Bible contained records of some very important people’s lives. Out of all the people who have lived on this planet, Jesus handpicked some that would help you get a pictorial view of how to resist depression issues. You will be able to see the example of a person who put their trust in God and it will help you win over your struggles with feeling depressed. You will be able to use their life to see how to take advantage of the things of God. Their life examples will lead you into a life of faith, love, joy, happiness, and success.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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