The Discovery Courses

Textbook For
“Finding The Right Method”

The Influence Of God’s Power-Attitudes
On The Six Biblical Principles

Tools That Help You Diagnose Yourself

Once you learn to ASK for everything you need, the next issue is getting results to your prayers. If you pray and Jesus doesn’t answer your prayer positively, these tools can help you find out why. Then when you combine The Eight Power-Attitudes Of God to them, the blessings of God start flowing into your life.

DESIRE is the first mandatory requirement of Jesus in The Six Biblical Principles. It will open the door for you to WANT to allow Jesus to do those things the Bible is offering you. But, what directs your DESIRES so you will want those things that come from God and the Bible rather than the wrong, bad, and evil things that come from the world?
  • Being POOR IN SPIRIT will help you DESIRE the truths Jesus is wanting to teach you.

  • MOURNING will empower you to DESIRE to repent and reject those things Jesus shows you that you are involved in that are wrong, bad, or evil.

  • Being MEEK will empower you to DESIRE to accept Jesus’ truths in the Bible as your final authority.

  • HUNGERING AND THIRSTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS empowers you to DESIRE to learn, understand, and apply Jesus’ truths from the Bible to your life.

STUDY is the second mandatory requirement of Jesus in The Six Biblical Principles. It will let you know what all the Bible is telling you is available to you. It will also tell you what to avoid that isn’t good for you. Jesus uses it to teach you how to apply your tool sets to all of those things the Bible tells you about. But, what is going to motivate you to STUDY the Bible?
  • Being POOR IN SPIRIT will help you be teachable and receptive to the truths Jesus is wanting to teach you through the Bible.

  • MOURNING will empower you to repent and reject those things Jesus shows you in the Bible that you are involved in that are wrong, bad, or evil.

  • Being MEEK will empower you to accept Jesus’ truths in the Bible as your final authority.

  • HUNGERING AND THIRSTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS empowers you to want to learn, understand, and apply Jesus’ truths from the Bible to your life.

PRAYING is the third mandatory requirement of Jesus in The Six Biblical Principles. It is similar to ASKING but it involves a lot of aspects besides requests. PRAYING involves praise, worship, thanksgiving, and showing appreciation to God for all He does for you. ASKING gets you the ability to PRAY for the right things, PRAY the right way, and PRAY at the right times. But, what is going to CAUSE you to want to pray the right things?
  • Being POOR IN SPIRIT will help you be teachable and receptive to the truths Jesus is wanting to teach you so you will start PRAYING the right things.

  • MOURNING will empower you to repent and reject those things Jesus shows you that you are involved in that are wrong, bad, or evil. This will help you start PRAYING prayers of repentance.

  • Being MEEK will empower you to accept Jesus’ truths in the Bible as your final authority. This helps you PRAY and ASK for those things in the Bible.

  • HUNGERING AND THIRSTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS empowers you to want to learn, understand, and apply Jesus’ truths from the Bible to your life. This helps you start PRAYING for God to put His righteousness in you and your behavior.

BELIEVING is the fourth mandatory requirement of Jesus in The Six Biblical Principles. It empowers you to accept that when the Bible says something it is true and trustworthy. BELIEVING comes when Jesus speaks faith into you that empowers you to BELIEVE that He has heard and answered your PRAYER. But, what is going to direct you to start BELIEVING the right things?
  • Being POOR IN SPIRIT will help you be teachable and receptive to the truths Jesus is wanting to teach you. That will direct you into BELIEVING the right things.

  • MOURNING will empower you to repent and reject those things Jesus shows you that you are involved in that are wrong, bad, or evil. That will direct you into BELIEVING that Jesus is setting you free from wrong, bad, and evil things.

  • Being MEEK will empower you to accept Jesus’ truths in the Bible as your final authority. That will direct you into BELIEVING in the final authority of God.

  • HUNGERING AND THIRSTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS empowers you to want to learn, understand, and apply Jesus’ truths from the Bible to your life. That will help you start BELIEVING that Jesus is giving you His righteousness.

LOVING is the fifth mandatory requirement of Jesus in The Six Biblical Principles. It keeps you from being selfish and only seeing things from your perspective. It helps you do those thing you do to be set free from your major problem and other things that are bothering you so you can share your breakthroughs with others. God’s love was poured into your heart when you became a Christian. What is going to empower you to yield to God’s love?
  • Being POOR IN SPIRIT will help you be teachable and receptive to the truths Jesus is wanting to teach you. That helps you learn how to yield to God’s love and allow it to flow through you to others.

  • MOURNING will empower you to repent and reject those things that are blocking off God’s love from flowing through you.

  • Being MEEK will empower you to accept Jesus’ truths in the Bible as your final authority. That will help you understand what God’s love should look like as it is flowing through you.

  • HUNGERING AND THIRSTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS is to hunger and thirst for being able to only do good things to yourself and other people. That IS you loving yourself and those around you through God’s love.

Taking FAITH-ACTION is the sixth mandatory requirement of Jesus in The Six Biblical Principles. It is where you actually start living a life based on the answers to your prayers. This is when you take the faith Jesus spoke into you and base the actions of your life on it. But, what will help you start basing your life on the faith Jesus speaks into you?
  • Being POOR IN SPIRIT will help you be teachable and receptive to the truths Jesus is wanting to teach you. This trains you on how to get these truths into the activities of your life.

  • MOURNING will empower you to repent and reject those things Jesus shows you that you are involved in that are wrong, bad, or evil. That removes these things from your behavior.

  • Being MEEK will empower you to accept Jesus’ truths in the Bible as your final authority. That changes the way you treat yourself and other people.

  • HUNGERING AND THIRSTING FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS empowers you to apply Jesus’ truths from the Bible to your life’s activities; that is FAITH-ACTION.
The Three Power-Tool Sets
As you learn how to be skillful in these three sets of spiritual tools, you are entering into those things that get you EVERYTHING you need from God. They move you into the things that bring the spirit realm into the physical, human realm. These were the tools Jesus used to do the great and mighty things He did on earth. These are the tools the Apostles used to help all the hurting people they helped.

From now on Jesus will be helping you get familiar with these great tools. You will become very skillful in being able to get yourself into a place where you will be able to win over drugs issues with great power and success. These pieces of spiritual equipment will aid you in understanding how to defeat those things that are hurting you. AND they will help you get installed in your life those things that will be a tremendous blessing to you.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
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