The Discovery Studies

Truth For
“Finding The Right Spiritual Training”

HELP eMagazine’s Spiritual Training Programs

Getting A Full Picture Of All Jesus Offers You
Finding Out Where You Are Now
Below is a list of the first four programs that Jesus has had designed for you and your friends. He wants to use them to help you get the most from HELP eMagazine. Obviously you are joining with a lot of previous personal experiences and training. It is Jesus’ objective to help you find the spiritual area where you are now. First, take a look at all of them, after that you will have an opportunity to pray and ask Jesus about the various aspects provided in each program. He will help you understand and see the benefits of all the programs.

Getting The Big Picture
Don’t try to decide what you should do with these programs yet. Just allow Jesus to help you look at them all. You will have friends who will need studies you don’t need. Even though there are studies you aren’t ready for yet, go through all the programs so you can see the big picture. Let Jesus help you understand how all the programs work together so as to meet your needs no matter where you and your friends are spiritually.

Progressive Training And Growth
These programs are like stair steps to the upper floors; each program gets you ready for the next one. Pray that Jesus will help you see how He progresses your spiritual growth step-by-step. There are programs and courses; each PROGRAM deals with a major issue; and, each COURSE breaks that spiritual issue down so you can get help from Jesus in a gentle and loving fashion. Just like each program builds on the previous one, each course builds on the one before it. This empowers you to grow in you relationship with Jesus and grow in your ability of win over your issues with alcohol.

The Getting Acquainted Program
COURSE ONE: The Benefits You Get From HELP eMagazine
This is a presentation of what you can expect from Jesus; it helps you see ALL the benefits and resources that Jesus has to offer you and other people. Even if you don’t need this course, some of your friends may. Pray and ask Jesus whether you should take a look at this courses now or wait until you have more victories in your own life.

COURSE TWO: The Introduction To HELP eMagazine
This is a presentation of the goals and strategies that Jesus has for you and other people. A lot of people have no idea why they are on this planet in the first place. Some “think” they know why they are here; but, they are basing there goals, plans, and strategies on human philosophies and world opinions and training. Jesus sets the purpose in your life through this study. He helps you see things from God’s eternal perspective and your future life. Once you know why you are here, it helps you let Jesus teach you and get you ready for God’s eternal Kingdom.

Once you are acquainted with HELP eMagazine, you are led by Jesus into the actual process of getting help with the problems and issues of your life. He uses the Discovery Program to give you and your friends a step-by-step way of getting the help you need from Him. Here is a quick overview of the programs you have already gone through so far and where you and Jesus need to take your friends.

The Discovery Program
COURSE ONE: Finding The Right Problem
You needed to Jesus to help you DISCOVER why you are struggling with alcohol. You needed to let Jesus help you DISCOVER what is causing your problems with alcohol to be such a difficult challenge in your life. You needed Jesus to help you DISCOVER that He understands and wants to help you with your struggles with alcohol. Jesus used this study to help you look over your life with Him guiding you. He led you into these studies so He could help you DISCOVER which problem is the problem that is bothering you the most. Later He will be able to use these studies as resources so you can help others with similar problems like yours. This is called mentoring; you will be able to mentor your friends by using these programs as your spiritual tools.

COURSE TWO: Finding The Right Study
The next step was for Jesus to lead you through the process of you finding out what the solutions were going to be. You needed for Him to help you SEE that there are answers to your struggles with alcohol. Before you were given an assignment to find out where you are spiritually, you needed His encouragement and assurance that help is on the way. So, He led you through this study to help you be willing to keep working with Him until you get the victories that He alone can provide you; then I will be able to use this breakthrough to help my friends.

COURSE THREE: Finding The Right Spiritual Training
This is where you are now; only Jesus knows how much you have grown spiritually. He alone knows what would be best for taking you from where you are to where you need to go. So, He wants to show you all those things He has to offer so you can understand what He wants to do next in your life and training. This is an opportunity for you and Him to work together to get all you needs met in a way that is meaningful and beneficial.

The Progress Program
COURSE ONE: Understanding The Problem
It is wonderful when Jesus helps you DISCOVER which problem is bothering you the most. But, you are making a lot of PROGRESS, when He helps you understand this problem. He will help you understand what caused it in the first place. He will help you see why it is such a strong and unyielding issue. And, He will help you see why YOU couldn’t solve it yourself. If you don’t understand the causes, the characteristics of the problem, and the characteristics of your weaknesses toward it, you won’t know what it is you are really dealing with.

COURSE TWO: Understanding The Solution
You are also making real PROGRESS when Jesus helps you start to understand what He is going to do to provide you with the solution. Jesus’ solutions require your cooperation. If you think it is going to take one thing to solve it and Jesus is doing something else, then you will get in His way. As Jesus helps you see what is causing your problem with alcohol, it helps you better see why Jesus’ way of solving it is the only way.

COURSE THREE: Understanding Jesus’ Help
Jesus isn’t just solving your struggle with alcohol; He is providing you with principles from the Bible that solve all those things you are and will face in life. The procedures He teaches you to use in solving your issues with alcohol are the same ones He will empower you to use to live The Victorious Christian Life. Jesus will be using this problem to teach you vital principles from the Bible that are powerful and all inclusive. The solutions you get from dealing with the pain and struggle with alcohol will not only help you win over other pain and struggles, they will take you into the joy, happiness, peace, and excitement that only He can give.

The Power Life Program
Part 1 And Part 2

PART 1: The Introduction Series
(What It Is And What Are The Benefits)
In this first study series, Jesus will help you SEE WHY you need His power in your life. He will INTRODUCE you into what all is available to you, if you will allow Him to prepare you for His power.

COURSE ONE: The Importance Of The Power Life
Jesus has power that heals, empowers, and equips you to do what you couldn’t do before. Once you get this power and learn how to yield to it, it will take you to a supernatural level. This is how Jesus helps you win over this problem that is bothering you the most. Your determination, commitment, will power, and effort don’t provide you with the ability to win over spiritual issues like difficulties with alcohol. You must be born again, become a child of God, be a member of His family, and be a citizen of His eternal Kingdom in order to be able to be victorious over these kinds of issues. Jesus uses this course to introduce you into the benefits of what salvation does for you.

COURSE TWO: The Importance Of Eternal Life
The reason you are on this planet is to learn how to live as a child of God. Jesus is going to be giving you opportunities in eternity that you need to be trained and prepared for. If you don’t understand why you are here on this planet, you will put most of your efforts into training on how to live and survive as a human. You are only going to be a human for a very short time. You are going to be a child of God forever.

COURSE THREE: From Power Life To Eternal Life
You are a human so you can learn how to win as a human in such a way that you ALSO win as a child of God. There are ways of living life on earth where you only APPEAR to be succeeding; unfortunately, many humans are living this kind of life. Jesus has a way for you to live life where you are very successful here; but, the principles you use to succeed, produce a win/win result for you and everyone else that is involved with you.

PART 2: The Instruction Series
(The “How To” Steps)
In this second study series, Jesus will help you GET His power, teach you how to KEEP it flowing in and through you, lead you into knowing how to LIVE it in the various situations of your life, and then how to MATURE in His supernatural realm as an adult child of God.

COURSE ONE: How To Get The Power Life
If you haven’t done what it takes to become a child of God, if you haven’t been born again, if you haven’t become a true Christian, or if you aren’t sure of your salvation, then Jesus will lead you into the powerful life of being made into one of God’s children. Just like being born as a human gave you a life that you didn’t have before, so does being born again give you a power-life that you have never had before. There are definite steps that Jesus requires you to take in order to be born into God’s family. Jesus uses this study to help you GET the power-life.

COURSE TWO: How To Keep The Power Life
Jesus allows us to try out His power life so we can make a KNOWLEGEABLE decision as to whether or not we want to keep it. It isn’t until you have had a chance to completely understand this power life through personal experience that you will be qualified to decide if you want to keep it. So, Jesus will use this study to help you know how to move forward in your experiences with being born again as a child of God. He will show you how to keep or maintain it so that you don’t allow it to slip through your fingers. He will help you feed it and exercise it so it stays healthy and vibrant.

COURSE THREE: How To Live The Power Life
Having a million dollars in the bank and knowing how to access it are two different things. Being born again as a child of God and living on the basis of it is very different. It isn’t until you are taking advantage of all Jesus has to offer that you are able to live in full power and victory. Living the power life is a realm where you start getting a taste of what eternity is going to be all about. The more you win here on earth, the more you will see what eternity is going to be like.

COURSE FOUR: How To Mature In The Power Life
Winning over your struggles with alcohol will set you free from the damage, pain, and suffering that it causes. But, winning over those struggles will be just the beginning of what Jesus has to offer you. There is a powerful, victorious, exciting life that Jesus wants to lead you into. It requires DESIRE, STUDY, PRAYER, BELIEVING, LOVING, and FAITH-ACTION. It requires that you apply yourself to the issues of eternal life. You will need to change your goals, plans, and dreams so as to plug them all into Jesus’ eternal plan for you. He wants to deal with your talents, skills, abilities, and experiences that make you into an advanced child of God. He will use this study to help you get started accomplishing great things for God’s eternal Kingdom. Jesus wants to make you into a World Changer.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
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