The Discovery Studies

Truth For
“Finding The Right Spiritual Training”

Finding The Right Spiritual Training

Deciding Which Spiritual Study To Take
Starting At The Right Place
Welcome to a study with Jesus that helps you find out where you are in your spiritual growth. Jesus used Finding The Right Problem to help you DISCOVER that your issue with loneliness is the major problem that is bothering you the most. Then He used Finding The Right Relationship to help you build a better relationship with Himself and your heavenly Father. After that He used Finding The Right Method to help you learn the three toolsets. Now that you know what your major problem is, have a better relationship with Jesus, and are equipped with the powerful spiritual tools that win over your problems, you are ready for Him to help you decide what level of spiritual help you need to get involved in. He will be using this Finding The Right Spiritual Training to help you do that.

Moving Forward With Jesus
Finding The Right Problem: In this study, Jesus helped you find that your problem with loneliness would motivate you to WANT to learn important Biblical principles about life.

Finding The Right Relationship: Since Jesus is your ONLY answer to being completely healed from loneliness issues, He used this study to help you develop a better relationship with Himself and your heavenly Father.

Finding The Right Method: Since it is impossible for you to use human effort and world training to win over your struggles with loneliness issues, then He used this study to give you the three tool sets to empower you to win over life’s issues.

Finding The Right Spiritual Training: You are now ready for Jesus to use this study to help you get started using your problem with loneliness, using your closer relationship with Him, and using your three tool sets, to start growing in training, power, and victory through studying and working with Jesus.

Letting Jesus Evaluate You
Matching Your Spiritual Level
With The Right Study
If you HADN’T yet established a spiritual relationship with Jesus; or, if you have a friend who HASN’T established a spiritual relationship with Jesus, then you would need to let Jesus start you in the very beginnings of these studies. Since you have already established a close relationship with Jesus, then you will need to skip certain studies. It is important for you and Jesus to establish what level of spiritual and power training you need. So, let Him to take you through a look at these various levels of training. He will help you decide what to study and what to skip.

Jesus Is Your Best Friend
No one can help you with your struggles with loneliness like Jesus can. The principles you will be looking at will be very exciting and will make a lot of sense. But, they will not set you free until they are coupled with the One Who had them written. The test Jesus will be helping you give yourself involves you examining your personal experiences with Him. In other words, you and He will be working together to find out what areas of your life need more of Him and His power. It is true that every problem you face can be solved by Jesus; but, there are steps you have to take in order to get those solutions.

The Plan
Jesus’ Six Steps Into Victory
Let’s take a look at Jesus’ strategy and requirements for Him helping you take advantage of Him and His power. Because Jesus has already taken you through The Six Biblical Principles, these six steps will be familiar to you. Jesus doesn’t overwhem you with too many things. Once He exposed you to the three toolsets, He will then continue to use them, explain them, and help you take advantage of them. It may have been somewhat challenging to you as you went through Finding The Right Method. But, the wonderful thing is, Jesus will keep you very involved in them from that point on. As you use them, you will grow in your skills and training. So, see if you recognize The Six Biblical Principles in this list.
Jesus’ Strategy
  1. First, He will be assisting you in wanting His help.

  2. Then He will be teaching you the Bible principles that open the door to more of Him and His power.

  3. From there you will learn how to pray prayers that invite Him in to your situation with loneliness.

  4. After that He will give you the faith so you can be sure He HAS given you His power to win over your issues with loneliness.

  5. Once that happens, Jesus will help you share these victories with others. From that point on you will start experiencing a greater degree of His power-relationship. This power-relationship with Jesus will set you free from problems and issues that are trying to defeat you.

  6. You will then RECEIVE the power and the relationship that will enable you to do what you couldn’t do before.

Identifying The Six Steps
  • The first step, of wanting or DESIRING Jesus’ help, starts you on your journey into getting His power to defeat the difficulties and struggles you are having with loneliness.

  • The second step of STUDYING will expose you to Jesus’ Bible principles that teach you how to solve these issues through His power.

  • The third step of PRAYING will invite Jesus into each situation you face. He always waits for you to pray and invite Him into your situations before He will do anything.

  • The fourth step is a matter of waiting; you will wait for Him to give you His faith. That faith will be an assurance so you can BELIEVE He HAS given you His power to start winning over the issues of loneliness.

  • The fifth step is for you to ask Jesus to help you learn HOW He is helping you with loneliness issues, so you can LOVE others enough to help them.

  • The sixth step is for you to learn how to take advantage of your desires through asking, training through studying, power through praying, knowing you have you answer through believing, and being set free from selfishness through love.
These six steps will become Jesus’ strategy for the rest of your life.

Jesus’ Methods Work
Once you are well on your way to being victorious over loneliness issues, you will be ready to start living a life of blessings, joy, and happiness that Jesus provides. It is so much easier to win over these problems, when you have Jesus’ joy and happiness influencing you. What is being said is, once Jesus has you well on your way to defeating your issues with loneliness, He helps you start concentrating on the more positive, enjoyable aspects of living life. These God-given pleasures will not only drive out the pain or frustrations caused by your problems with loneliness, they will supply you with answers and become your most dominate emotion.

Getting More Than Freedom From Pain
You can be in so much pain and confusion, you would be extremely happy with just getting rid of that suffering. However, Jesus has a lot more to offer YOU than just the absence of pain and struggles. He has a way of life to offer you that is filled with love, joy, peace, and satisfaction. So, whether you are in a lot of pain and difficulties or you are just needing minor help with this problem, let Jesus get you started living the Victorious Christian Life by looking at some important principles.

The Discovery
Finding The Right
Spiritual Training
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