The Discovery Courses

Workbook For
“Finding The Right Relationship”

On the previous TEXTBOOK page, Jesus gave you His truths for you to learn. Now on this WORKBOOK page, you are being given an opportunity to ASK Jesus to install all those truths into your life. So, ASK Jesus to help you pray these prayers in each of these boxes with sincerity so you will be open to receiving Jesus’ truths. Also, ask Jesus to help you grow in your relationship with your heavenly Father.
How Do I Feel About
The Fact That I Am Struggling With Loss Of A Loved One?
What I Think About Myself Really Matters
Jesus, make it clear to me that it isn’t just a matter that I have a problem with loss of a loved one. My reactions, my evaluations of myself, and my attitudes about the fact that I am struggling with it also matters. In my mind I know what I should do; but, in my heart and in my physical needs it is a different matter. If I am critical toward myself because I have this problem, that will add to, multiply, and magnify the suffering. If I am handling it with proper evaluations, reactions, and good attitudes, it puts me in a place where I can be healed.

Jesus, help me evaluate, react, and feel some important things so I can approach my issues with loss of a loved one through positive feelings of hope and faith. Not that I feel good about the fact that I am struggling with loss of a loved one; but, the fact that everyone has something just as difficult. Help me see that when I am down, it is hard to address any kind of problem because of the negative feelings I am experiencing. Give me emotions that give me faith and hope, even though the problem I am facing is extreme; let me have feelings that are encouraging and strengthening me.

I Am Allowing Jesus To Speak To My Emotions
Jesus, You are saying to me in Matthew 11:28 (NIV): “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Help me allow You to give me Your evaluation and reaction to the fact that I am struggling with loss of a loved one. It is bad enough that I am having struggles, difficulties, and problems in my life. But, if those issues are causing me to reject, hate, or get down on myself, then I need You to help me understand that what I am going through has no bearing on who I am. Sometimes I think that because I am having these difficulties and struggles that, that means I am inferior to those who seem to be happier, more successful, or more trouble free. You love me; and, Your love isn’t effected by my struggles. Help me see that You feel my pain and identify with my problems. Show me that You aren’t judging me; You are hurting with me.

I Am Allowing Jesus To Show Me The Truth
Jesus, You said to me in John 16:33 (NIV): “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you WILL have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Help me not let people’s smiles, bragging, and success stories fool me; show me that every person on this planet is going through some kind of trouble. Help me see that some people’s troubles may not show up and be as obvious as mine; but, EVERY person is struggling, battling, and dealing with all kinds of issues, difficulties, and problems. Help me not be fooled by those who can “put on a good face;” help me not be fooled by those who have been trained by the world to “fake it until you make it.” Help me not be fooled by those who have learned how to “manage” their problems or “work around” them. Help me not be fooled by those who work hard all day and then drink, drug, or party their way into some form of happiness.

There’s No Problem Like My Problem
Jesus, You said in Matthew 15:14 (NIV) “Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” Jesus, sometimes I can feel better by talking to someone who is going through what I am going through. It can feel good just to know I am not weird, different, or weaker than most people. Show me that after I have shared with these people, I will find that the benefits are temporary. Make it clear to me that I need emotions that can empower me, strengthen me, build faith and hope into me, and be there no matter what I am facing.
I Am Not My Problem
Rom 7:20 (NIV) Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. Jesus, the world teaches me that if I do something bad, I am a bad person. They teach that if I do something good, THAT MAKES me a good person. However, teach me that, that philosophy can make me feel like my struggles with loss of a loved one mean IT is a diagnosis or evaluation of WHO I am. Make it clear to me that this isn’t true; You have made me into a new person who is loved, accepted, valued, and appreciated by God Himself. You said in John 8:36 (NIV): “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Help me always keep in mind that You have given me a perfect record with God; I am free from anything I have EVER done, ARE doing, or WILL do that is wrong, bad, or evil. 2 Cor 5:21 (NIV) God made Him Who had no sin to be sin for us, SO THAT in Him we might become the righteousness of God.

I Was Made In God’s Image
Gen 1:26 (NIV) Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, in Our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Jesus, make it clear to me that I am very valuable to God because He made me in His own image and likeness. I am so valuable to God that He demonstrated His love for me by sending His Son to die for me. Rom 5:8 (NIV) But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. While I was busy doing wrong, bad, and evil things to myself, other people, and God’s plan, God proved how much He loves me. I am so valuable to Him that He sent His one and only Son to die in my place. You paid for all my past, present, and future mistakes, failures, shortcomings, sins, and misdeeds; I am totally forgiven, free, and loved.

God Really Loves Me
Rom 8:32 (NIV) He Who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for US ALL--how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us ALL things? Jesus, help me understand that God didn’t send money to redeem me; He didn’t send some kind of temporary cure for all my sins I committed against myself and other people; He didn’t produce some brilliant system for saving me; He sent You, His one and only Son, to die for me. Teach me that it is true that I have problems; but, so does everyone else on this planet. Teach me that it is true that I made mistakes and have got myself into things that were wrong, bad, and evil; but, so has everyone else. Rom 3:22-24 (NIV) This righteousness from God comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference, for ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

God Loves Me Because I Am His Child
Rom 8:16 (NIV) The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Jesus, help me understand that a good parent will do things for their children that they would never do for anyone else; and, God is the very best parent in existence. Jesus, You said in Matthew 7:11 (NIV): “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him!” Teach me that the reason I have to ask God before He gives good gifts to me is because He made me in His own image. Once that happened, I got a God-given free will. So, now I have to ask for these good gifts; but, when I ask, God pours them on me BECAUSE I AM His child.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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