The Discovery Courses

Workbook For
“Finding The Right Relationship”

A Happiness And Peace
That Come From Outside Of Me
I Am Finding Out Who Is Available
Jesus, help me understand that feeling overwhelmed creates negative problems of their own. Because I feel overwhelmed, I experience a negative spin on everything that comes my way. Teach me that these bad emotions influence all my relationships and all of my life. They keep me from being able to be the kind of person I want and need to be. Make it clear to me that I can’t help myself; and I am unable to help anyone else. But, show me that, that is okay because You aren’t asking me to change myself. Help me join You and learn how to get Your power, love, blessings, and healing.

I Am Getting What I Don’t Have
Jesus, teach me that the destructive attitudes and emotions caused by the difficulties of loss of a loved one can turn me against myself, those around me, and life in general. They can so damage my heart that I can no longer see any chance of ever being helped. I can become my own enemy and feel like I don’t deserve to be helped. I can eliminate all posibilities and feel like there’s no chance for me to be healed. But, help me start LOOKING TO YOU; help me get a totally different attitude toward myself, those around me, and life in general. Help me open my heart to You, so my faith, attitudes, and emotions can be changed. Show me that the WAY for me to start LOOKING TO YOU is to BELIEVE that the studies and prayers You are giving me WILL bring the results I am looking for.

I Am Breaking Down The Walls
Jesus, teach me that my struggles with loss of a loved one can cause me to try to protect myself with something like a turtle shell. In some ways it protects me from being hurt; but it also shields me from being petted. Show me that something has to be able to penetrate through the wall it created and start the healing process in my heart. Since I typically see things as being threatening, frustrating, challenging, negative and sometimes meaningless, help me see that healing can’t come FROM me or BY me. But, show me that, that is okay because it doesn’t have to come from me or be accomplished by me. Help me understand that it is going to come through an outside source that isn’t me; it is You reaching into me.

I Am Getting Expert Help
Jesus, teach me that when things go wrong in my life, they can not only damage my body, they can damage my heart. You want to be that outside source for bringing healing into a damaged and overwhelmed heart. Show me that it is important for me to understand that You made my heart and know exactly how to bring healing to it. Help me see that it is important for me to understand that You have knowledge, skills, expertise, and power that no human has. Help me realize that it is important for me to understand that You love me in such a way that You are willing to do all it takes to help me open up to Your healing power. You won’t be trying to just cheer me up or just give me confidence, You will be coming to me with the solution to the cause of all my pain.

It’s A Complex Situation
Jesus, teach me that my heart is an area of my mind that I can’t access directly. It is often referred to as the subconscious mind. Teach me that the Bible calls it the heart because it is the core of who I am. Teach me that the struggles I am having with loss of a loved one are experienced in my heart; once damaged by pain, challenges of life, and negative issues, it becomes the originator of destructive feelings and attitudes. Help me see that when my heart gets damaged, it responds with emotions that are very powerful. Teach me that there can be a lot of causes for this heart damage. Show me that there are many people who have tried to be trained for accessing this area of my being. They have all kinds of systems, theories, philosophies, and processes. But, make it clear to me that You created it and know exactly how to access it, diagnose it, and heal it. Even though it is a mystery to humans in multiple ways, show me that it is a very simple system and mechanism to You.
This Doesn’t Make Any Sense
My Feelings Aren’t Based On Logic
Jesus, help me accept the fact that there is a way for me to experience a melting of the wall built by loss of a loved one issues. Show me that this wall isn’t as powerful and resistive as it feels to me. Even if I have tried everything anyone has suggested to me and I still didn’t get the healing I needed, there IS a way that can set me free. Help me be willing to open my heart to a process through You that may be very different from anything else I have tried. But, since Your system is foreign to me, help me realize that it HAD to be different from all those things I tried that failed me.

Jesus, even though sometimes I am at a point where I don’t feel good about any solutions, help me see that I can still enter into these studies just like I am. Show me that it isn’t necessary for me to have faith, confidence, excitement or hope at this point. Help me just be willing to expose myself to Your faith and Your solutions. Help me understand that my heart and my body are suffering from a major attack on their wellbeing. Help me be healed just like You have healed so many other people. As I go through these studies with You, help me watch out for my mind trying to block those things my heart needs. It can do this because Your system may not make sense to my mind. Protect me from my own negative thought-life. Help me not let my mind get in the way of my heart’s healing.

The Communication Barier
Jesus, teach me that things that seem very logical to my mind don’t change and heal my heart. Teach me that my head thinks with logic and reasoning; my heart thinks with emotions and feelings. Help me see that just because I can’t explain and reason away difficulties with physical and emotional issues, doesn’t mean my heart can’t be healed from the challenges of loss of a loved one. Make it clear to me that only love can heal my heart and make me well.

Jesus, teach me that my heart needs an emotional message that has the power to speak love to it. Since God IS love, help me see that He can speak the language of my heart. Teach me that all the logic and reasoning I and others have tried to use to heal my heart is like speaking a foreign language to it. Help me understand that it speaks emotions, hears emotions, and understands emotions. My mind speaks logic and reasoning, hears logic and reasoning, and understands logic and reasoning. Teach me that this makes it impossible for words to communicate with an emotional-speaking heart and it get help from them.

The Holy Spirit Speaks The Language
Rom 8:26-27 (NIV) In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And He Who searches our HEARTS knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.

Jesus, teach me that there are two special Healers in this verse of Scripture: The Spirit came inside me when I became a Christian. Show me that He can pray prayers in my heart’s behalf; and, He can take all those feelings in it and put them into words for me to pray. He Who searches our HEARTS is my heavenly Father; show me that He knows exactly what my heart is going through. So, make it clear that when the Holy Spirit prays in my behalf; and, when He helps me put into words things my heart FEELS, my heavenly Father responds with healing. Teach me that this is because He knows what the Holy Spirit is trying to express to Him. Teach me how to take advantage of the Holy Spirit and my relationship with my heavenly Father.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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