The Discovery Courses

Workbook For
“Finding The Right Spiritual Training”

Jesus help me become familiar with these six types of resources being provided through HELP eMagazine. Help me be able to take advantage of “Books For Successful Living,” “The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation,” “Praying The Psalms,” “Christian Fellowship,” “Developing Friendships,” and “Devotions With Jesus.” Teach me how to use these great resource materials.

These Resources Add Additional Help:
  • Jesus, use this program to help me be able to read books that assist me in learning God’s truths and GETTING those truths working in my life through the “Books For Successful Living” program.

  • Jesus, use this program to help me be able to assist one of my friends with Salvation through them praying “The Lord’s Prayer For Salvation.”

  • Jesus, use this program to help me be able to enhance my prayer time by “Praying The Psalms.”

  • Jesus, use this program to help me be able to find a good church, Christian organization, or Christian friends through the “Christian Fellowship” program.

  • Jesus, use this program to help me be able to start getting to know new people and creating new friendships through the “Developing Friendships” program.

  • Jesus, use this program to help me be able to enhance my and my friends daily spiritual growth through the “Devotions With Jesus” program.

Books For Successful Living
Jesus, make it clear to me that there is a BIG difference between the principles that You teach and what the classes, magazines, television programs, internet, and the books I read that the world teaches me. When I read or listen to Your teachings and compare them with popular beliefs, it seems like I am so much more familiar with the world system and Your teachings are so very different. But, You told me that if I love You, I will do what You say. This can create some real struggles in my heart; but, the world system isn’t working.

Jesus, help me see that a lot of the struggles I have, as a Christian, have to do with a misunderstanding. I am misunderstanding what You are asking me to do. Another problem I face as a Christian is only knowing what the world teaches about how to run a marriage, family, business, career, friendship, or my life in general. Use the Scriptures in these books to help me see how easy it is to apply Your teachings to my everyday life. AND, show me why those things I was taught in the world are extremely wrong, bad, and hurtful to me and those around me.

The Lord’s Prayer For Sharing Salvation
Jesus, get me ready for cases where You and I need to help a friend get their power-life. Help me study how to help someone become a Christian BEFORE I actually need the training. Show me how important it is for me to allow You to take me into this study so I will be ready when an opportunity comes my way.

Jesus, help me know whether or not I already know how to lead a friend into the powerful life of salvation. If I do, then help me feel comfortable sharing my story with them. As long as I know You have helped me know how to pray the Lord’s prayer with them so they can be a Christian, then I will want to be used by You to help them see the benefits of being born again.

Devotions With Jesus
Jesus, help me be familiar with this study as a daily devotion program for new as well as mature Christians with mild to moderate life’s problems. If a person is experiencing a life that has problems, but they aren’t too severe or overwhelming, then help me be able to use Devotions With Jesus to provide them with a wonderful daily devotional study.

Jesus, show me that rather than doing like HELP eMagazine and taking a problem that is bothering me or my friends the most and helping us learn and be healed from it, You use Devotions With Jesus to spend time dealing with our relationship with God. You deal with life and the general problems that typically come our way. You address normal, everyday issues that I and my friends will face and help us be able to win over them.

Christian Fellowship
Jesus use this study to help me make sure I find people who will be a blessing and a spiritual help to me. Typically I meet Christians in some small group, Christian organization, or church. However, sometimes I come in contact with Christians as I go about the course of my normal life. Whether I meet them in a Christian group or somewhere else, show me that it is vital that I allow You to help me be able to evaluate these people so You and I can decide how much of an influence I will allow them to have on me.

Jesus, use the second aspect of this study to help me find a church that will provide me with spiritual support. There are all kinds of churches and all kinds of congregations. Help me understand that it is VERY important that I allow You to help me find the kind of people, congregation, and church that assists me in continuing to grow and mature spiritually.
Praying The Psalms
Jesus, help me see that this is a study that is very important to my relationship with God. Talking to Him and Him talking with me is a part of the three keys (ask, seek, knock) to all of Christianity. Use this study to help me be able to understand not only how to talk to my heavenly Father, but let it actually give me valuable information and examples.

Jesus, show me that David was a man after God’s own heart. Help me see his ability to pray as a work of art and an intimate communication with God. Teach me how he came to God with his problems and typically before the prayer was over, he would be praising God for the answer. Show me how God would respond to the beginning of David’s prayer and David would praise God with the truths God had just given him.

Healing A Damaged Heart
Jesus, everyone has wounds. Help me see that many of my wounds have been shut off from God and even myself. Teach me that time doesn’t heal; it just buries the problem and obscures its influence from my mind. My heart is still damaged; but, I often can’t pinpoint the location of the pain.

Jesus, use the Psalms to bring all my past and present wounds before God. Issue by issue help me present them to God so He can heal them. Let every closed door be opened up and God be invited in. Let a request be made to God asking for healing for each damaged area. Let it be that by the time the prayer is over, God has healed that area and has supplied miracles in its place.

Prayer Illustrations And Examples
Jesus, since in this prayer study there is already a prayer placed under each verse that expresses typical issues from hearts, as I go down each verse, help me read the verse and then allow You to help me take the subject expressed and either put it in my own words or let You help me create a prayer on the same subject.

Jesus, use each verse to help me look down into my own heart and see what God is trying to deal with for that moment. Show me that if I came back and went over the same verses at another time, I would probably write down different prayer issues. Help me see that it all has to do with me bringing before God the heart-concerns that are buried there. Teach me that this procedure brings subjects expressed in the Psalms before me and encourages me to consider whether or not they express heart damage lodged in my heart. Show me that if I wasn’t using the Psalms, I might not ever think about praying for that particular subject.

Shape The Prayer For Your Own Needs
Jesus, help me see that the words below each verse may or may not express my individual situation. However, help me still use the example to show me how to develop my own prayer. Let me use this material in any way that is helpful to me. Even if it is a source for me to disagree with, show me that it has served a purpose. Let me use it or create one of my own for each verse in each Psalm. Let me find this system to be a real blessing to me. Use it to help me pray and allow God to talk back to me. Help me let Him heal, bless, and inspire me to a whole new method of prayer and meditation.

Developing Friendships
Jesus, as I grow spiritually and start wanting to share some of the successes with others, let me allow You to help me start developing special relationships with those around me. Use this study to give me a way to go about my normal day and start developing new friendships with other people.

Jesus, help me see that if I want to help others, it is a matter of me having a special love and purpose in my heart to help them. However, use this study to help me find those who need help AND want help. Rather than just going about my day and ignoring the potential of developing friendships, help me be able to reach out to certain people and help them.

This concludes your textbook studies and workbook prayers for today.
Just spend some time reviewing and believing you received
what you have studied and asked for so far.
Let Jesus use these truths to change your life.

Don’t forget to fill out your “My Power Growth Record;”
it will help you get back here tomorrow.

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