Understanding Life Issues

Life Categories
There’s Nothing That Stands Out
Typically people run into issues in one Life Category. It will either be in the emotions, relationships, finances, physical issues, or spiritual needs. When you have a big problem in one of these areas, you can identify it, bring it to God, and concentrate on it until you find the answers God has to solve it. But, when you have a bunch of small problems coming from several of these Life Categories, it becomes difficult to put a label on it.

They Are Piling Up
As you look over all the things you are going through, it can be almost impossible to know what area to attack first. You may need help with your finances, your relationships, your emotions, and maybe even some help with a few physical problems. With this LIFE subject, you don’t have to isolate one particular problem, especially if they are all small. This LIFE subject enables you to deal with the fact that they have accumulated and are piling up.

Everything’s Going Wrong
When LIFE is getting difficult because so many things are going wrong, you need a place to go where you can study and pray in a general way. You may be in a situation where you can’t put your finger on any one issue that is any worse than any other one. It may be where it would be difficult to even put them in a priority of need or pressure. When life gets to the place where you find yourself getting stressed because you have such a long list of things going wrong, then it wonderful for you to be able to choose this LIFE study and prayer time. All you have to do is see your life as one big problem and then come to God with your life.

God Cares About The Little Things
God doesn’t require you to wait until you have something that impresses Him. He is a supernatural God; but, Jesus went about helping people with whatever problem they had. He wasn’t drawn to important people, rich people, powerful people, popular people, or prestigious people. If anything, He was drawn to people who were very ordinary. If it was a woman that crawled through the crowd to touch His garment, a powerful Roman soldier, or a hated tax collector in a tree, He had time to help all who wanted His help.

God Cares About You
If you have a big problem or a small one, it isn’t the problem that interests Jesus, it’s you He actually cares about. Jesus isn’t concerned about problems accept for the fact that they are hurting you. Another thing He cares about is that you have “something” that is motivating you to come to Him. Mat 11:28 (NIV) COME to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. You don’t have to be weary and burdened in order to get His rest. It is just typical of humans to stay away until they are weary and burdened.

God Helps Those Who Come
You have probably heard people say, “God helps those who help themselves.” The truth of the matter is, if you are busy helping yourself Jesus will leave you to it. Jesus helps those who come. According to Jesus, in Matthew 7:11, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ASK Him! According to James 4:2, You do not have, BECAUSE you do not ASK God. All your issues may be so small that the reason they got piled up was because you felt they were too insignificant for God to care about. Or, maybe they were insignificant to you until enough of them piled up. What ever happened, you are doing the right thing now. You are bring your problems to Jesus.

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Life Issues
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