Understanding Life Issues

Appreciation For Answered Prayers
Praise Enhances Your Love
As God starts helping you with all these “little” things, it is important that you not just forget about them. You need to remember them so you can express your appreciation for the wonderful things God has done for you. Keep them close to your heart for the rest of your life. Your relationship with God will grow into a wonderful experience as you start thanking Him for the answers He gives you. It isn’t until you take out the time for praise, worship, and thankgiving that your attention is drawn toward how wonderful God is being to you. The more you do these things the more it builds your love and closeness to Him.

Praise Strengthens Your Faith
As you are praising God, going over all the wonderful things He has done for you, it helps your faith. As you face new things that are extremely challenging and threatening, your faith can take a nose dive. You may experience panic, fear, doubt, and worry. It is at that moment that you should start thanking God for all the things He has already done for you. It helps you see that God is hearing your prayers and is responding to your needs. You will be able to see that since He did all these other things for you, you can trust Him to also do much more.

Building Faith Through Remembering
Using The Past For Your Future
There is a special technique that will transform your faith. Start with something that was really scary for you. Something that God came through; but, before He did, your faith was really challenged. Try to remember the specific circumstances that surrounded that former problem. Try to remember any doubt, fear, turmoil, pain, or stress you went through BEFORE God sent you His answer to the problem. That will help you see that you didn’t need to be concerned; God was going to meet your needs. All you needed to do was trust Him.

How Hard Was It To Believe?
While you are thinking about this past problem, go over all the events that led up to the solution to it. Were there times when it all looked impossible? Did things happen that made it look like you were going to fail or go under? What did God do that changed all that? Can you see areas where you needed to grow in your faith and trust in God? Were there times when you almost gave up? Did the issue ever seem so big that you had a hard time seeing God as being able to handle it? Are you glad you remained faithful and didn’t give up on God?

How Much Have You Grown Since Then?
Now that you have all these current situations piling up on you, ask yourself these kinds of questions. Start trying to compare those specific past situations with the one you are in now. Do all these little issues that have accumulated, look impossible? Are there things happening NOW in your life that make THIS TIME look like THEY are going to cause you to fail? Based on your past experiences with God, what do you BELIEVE He is going to do to solve THIS pile of problems?

As you are remembering the miracles God has worked for you, did God use the same solution He used on your first miracle? Or, did He use an entirely different method for solving it? Can you remember what you thought the solution should be? Did God solve that past problem the way you thought He should? Was your idea as good as the one God used? Are you glad God didn’t listen to you and solve it the way you wanted Him to?

This variety, that comes in God’s answers to your prayers, needs to be accepted by you. You are typically geared to doing things a certain way. You tend to expect God to use some past method to help you with your new issues. But, as you can see from your past experiences with God, He uses as many new ways of doing things as there are miracles in your past.

Moving Into The Studies And Prayers
You are now ready to start learning how to get God’s help with the things in your life. There are powerful principles, from God, that are going to take the things you have learned so far and use this information to let Jesus start changing your life. The past miracles you have experienced only scratched the surface of all those things God has prepared for you. As you move into the next phase of these studies and prayers, continue to notice every special thing God does for you; pray and ask Him to help you not let one miracle slip by. Allow Him to show you how to notice them, appreciate them, praise and thank Him for them, and allow Him to use them to build your love and faith.

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Life Issues
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