Understanding Marriage Issues

Learning The Truths
On the first page of each day, Jesus will want to teach you those things that you need to be aware of. With most books you read, information will be the only thing you are provided in the book. You are given a tremondous amount of information and then left with the responsibility for carrying it out. Even if it is a Christian book that is sharing with you about what the Bible says, it can still be a “self-help” book if all you get is information.

If you don’t spend time “doing what it takes” getting Jesus to install these truths in your life, you are left with “self-help.” So, on this first page of the day, you will be presented with what Jesus wants you to know. Then on the next page of the day, He will show you how to go about looking to Him for putting it in your life and behavior.

I Thought You Were The Right
Person For Me
Married To The Right Person
Even if you marry the perfect person for you and you are the perfect person for them, you will still have problems. The problem is the fact that the perfect person for the marriage isn’t perfect. As you know, no one’s perfect; not even you. Granted you are close; but you still have a “few” flaws. You married your spouse for a lot of good reasons; those reasons may be obscured by flaws at the momemt but they are still there.

Don’t Marry The Wrong Person
Most marital issues don’t come from the fact that a person married the wrong person. Most problems come from the fact that the right people aren’t doing the right things. The important thing is, will the right people be willing to learn how to do the right things before they get divorced and marry the wrong person?

The Right Person, The Wrong Method
Many couples leave the right person and end up with the wrong person and the same wrong methods and principles. If you and your spouse could be helped to start treating each other with the love you have for each other, then the marriage problems and difficulties wouldn’t seem so big. If both of you could be helped to use different methods for getting your needs met, then your marriage relationship would go back to being exciting and wonderful.

This Is Escalating
The fact that you are reading this usually means things aren’t as good as they used to be. You may have expressed this change in relationship as being a love issue. One or both of you may be feeling like the love in the relationship is failing and going away. However, it isn’t a love issue; it is a system issue. The love is still there; the cooperation, the team spirit, the system for solving issues is what is missing. Jesus can create the right methods, motivations, and meaning for your marriage.

The Power In Jesus
Jesus doesn’t need to help you find reasons for your marriage issues; He can set you free without your life having to be perfect. The circumstances of your life can’t hurt you, once you experience the power of God’s healing. It is true that He will do a lot of great things with your circumstances; but, the main miracle will be what He does in your heart.

Why Won’t God Help Me?
Jesus Has The Power To Set You Free
Mat 28:18 (NIV) Then Jesus came to them and said, “ALL authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Your struggles with marriage aren’t bigger that Jesus, His power, or His provisions. It is a simple thing for Jesus to heal you and set you free from anything you are dealing with.

You have probably already heard that “nothing is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). The big issue is, what do you have to do to get Jesus’ help? If you went to a hospital, clinic, rehab program, or most any other place for helping people with their problems, most of the responsibilities would be on them for making you well. However, Jesus has a goal for you that you may not be aware of.

Jesus Has The Desire To Set You Free
Mat 11:28 (NIV) Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Jesus wants to help; He has the power to help; so, what is the problem? You need to spend some time with Jesus and allow Him to help you understand what the hold up is, what is keeping it from being solved, and what the process is for you being healed of these issues with marriage. What is most difficult is the nature of you having a struggle. The problem itself is bad enough; but, the way it is able to dominate you and change a lot of you life make it seem very powerful. What Jesus wants you to learn is, He is much more powerful. And, He wants to help you to be powerful through Him.

Defeating Marriage Issues
Eph 6:10 (NIV) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Jesus has a plan for you where you not only learn how to handle this issue, He wants to train you and empower you to win over all issues. He wants to develop a relationship with you where you work together with Him. He will train you how to yield to His power and provisions until you are a skilled, trained, experienced, and mature child of God. Everyone goes through similar problems like yours; but, too many of them don’t join Jesus and get life-training. You really aren’t on this planet to just learn how to be a human, you are here to learn how to be dynamic as a child of God.

Jesus offers you the solutions to all of these problems and consequences. But, the big thing He wants you to learn is, you and He can easily defeat them. It is just that you haven’t put as much effort in your child of God training as you have your human training.

The Progress
Marriage Issues
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