Understanding Marriage Issues

How Can I Help?
No matter how bad your marriage issues have become, you can still help it turn around. As long as ONE of you is willing to accept the fact that you need help, you can get help from Jesus. The Biblical principles in this study are extremely powerful. They are different from the principles you are used to; so, ONE of you will have to be willing to change your philosophies for life. If there is only one of you, then you can set the example for your marriage partner.

You may have ideas that you have believed all your life about marriage and life in general; but, like everyone else in this world, they are failing you two. You may have based your marriage philosophies on other marriages, you may have thought it through and developed conclusions that won’t work in your particular marriage relationship. You have probably adopted certain techniques for addressing and solving the problems in your marriage; but, like so many marriages, you have found that those systems aren’t working.

I’ve Tried Everything
It is at the point where you have exhausted all of your marriage developing and problem solving methods that you start losing confidence in the MARRIAGE. Often you don’t lose confidence in your system; you lose confidence in the marriage. But, if you don’t know how to resolve issues, problems, and conflicts, nothing positive happens to stop the struggles. With a bad set of marriage principles, the bad things that are happening in the relationship will continue to happen, get worse, and do more damage. This confuses and frustrates you; you feel like there is no hope for it EVER getting better.

What you have to realize is, you haven’t tried EVERYTHING. Jesus has methods and philosophies that have worked on millions of other people. You haven’t run out of options; you have just run out of YOUR options. You can tap into Jesus’ options and start taking your marriage relationship to a whole new level. He doesn’t just help your marriage with PROBLEMS, He brings love, joy, happiness, unity, and friendship into the marriage relationship.

One Person At A Time
One Cooperative Spouse
A lot of the time it doesn’t happen that both spouses are ready and willing to reach out for help. Usually one of them has to not only take the first step, they typically have to take a lot of steps first. It really doesn’t matter whether it is the husband or the wife. It doesn’t matter whether it is a dominate personality or a recessive one. It can be an outgoing partner or a shy one. It can be the one who is causing the most problems or the one not causing hardly any problems. As long as Jesus gets one of your cooperation, He can work all kinds of miracles in the relationship.

A Way For Jesus To Work Miracles
Jesus won’t force anyone to start living better in their marriage. But, if He can enter into the marriage through one spouse, He can bring health and healing to a marriage. There have actually been many cases where neither individual in the marrage was being cooperative. However, Jesus was able to use a cooperative friend or relative to bring the couple into the solutions to their issues. But eventually, one of the spouses has to see the benefits and start cooperating with Jesus.

You Must Be Born Again
When you try to help your spouse, YOU won’t be able to help them. A lot of the time, a spouse who is seeing success in their life will start thinking THEY know how to help another person. But, you must remember; YOU aren’t bringing about the results in your own life, Jesus is! Your spouse’s personal problems are being caused by issues that need Jesus’ supernatural work. The first step to getting a spouse help is to lead them to Jesus. It isn’t until your spouse is a Christian that Jesus will be able to help them.

The objective is to help your spouse see the benefits of Christianity. It isn’t a goal of trying to get them to pray a sinner’s prayer BEFORE they understand why they need Jesus. It is vital that they understand what Jesus is doing in your life that is changing you. Once they can see HOW MUCH they need the things Jesus is doing for you, THEN they can pray a sincere prayer asking Jesus to be a part of their life. Below is a link that will provide you with the steps of leading your spouse into Christianity. But, this is NOT to be used until you feel they REALLY understand and desire to be born again.

Free Will
Everyone Has One
Even though Jesus has intense desires to bless and help everyone, He will never take away the God-give free will of a person. He watches people make all kinds of horrible mistakes that He could save them from, if they would only come to Him for help. But, He still refuses to push them into doing things they don’t want to do. Your spouse has been given a God-given free will just like He has you. It will be vital for you to honor that free will by not trying to push, force, demand, create feelings of guilt, or use threats.

Changing A Person’ Desires
Through these studies and prayers, Jesus will be giving you some incredible solutions that will work in any relationship; but, they can’t be forced on you or your spouse. However, they won’t need to be forced on your spouse; Jesus has a way of helping you and your spouse without using bad techniques to do it. Jesus will show you a way to help with the situation by living a life that will be very enjoyable for you and for them. Jesus has given you the right to help your spouse see the BENEFITS of His methods.

Make it a major goal to learn a way of life that brings great happiness to YOU. Then, as you start experiencing that life, you can start allowing it to BENEFIT your spouse. All you need to do is keep looking to Jesus for better and better ways of living His powerful and dynamic concepts around your spouse. As they experience the new you, it helps them want what you have.

The one thing that means the most to your spouse is what is working for you. If they experience changes in you that they like, they stand a much greater chance of freely accepting them for themselves. The way Jesus’ plan works for you and blesses you will cause you to become a wonderful, fun, loving, and pleasant person to your partner.

You First
Jesus will help you become much more excited about life and your marriage relationship. He will show you how to have an exciting life and relationship with Him that gives you real joy and happiness. He will teach you principles that heal your heart and shape your life so you can deal with all the issues you face. Your positive attitudes, emotions, and actions will be a blessing to your partner.

Another thing that will help your spouse be willing to learn those things you are accepting, is the way you treat them. Helping them change their mind by you doing things that let them see what Jesus has to offer is a powerful message. You will learn a wonderful way to react to every situation you and your spouse go through.

Positive And Negative Reactions
While kindness is a very important part of Christianity, not letting your spouse get by with certain things is also vital. If your marriage partner sees Jesus making you a doormat or a pushover, they aren’t going to want what you have. Love in a marriage not only improves one person in that marriage, it actually helps both partners grow in their people skills. You will learn how to give and how to lovingly resist; you will be able to yield to your marriage partner and also know how to respectfully say no.

Jesus uses the principle of: “do to others what you would have them do to you (Mat 7:12).” He also empowers you to apply the principle: “Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31).” You will be able to love your spouse AS YOURSELF. Neither you nor your partner want to be taken advantage of; you both want fairness, honesty, loyalty, justice, and love for yourselves. If your partner tries to abuse you or take advantage of you, you should LOVINGLY let them know that Christianity isn’t like that. You will do your best to met their needs; but, they must demonstrate trustworthiness, respect, appreciation, fairness, and honesty in their relationship with you.

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Marriage Issues
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