Understanding Marriage Issues

Handling An Abusive Spouse
Luke 6:27-29 (NIV) “But I tell you who hear Me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. What if you are married to an abusive spouse; are you stuck with cheeks that are beat up? No, Jesus is just telling you to not fight with them. He is also telling you to not let them have the last word. He is telling you to overcome their evil with one last gift before you leave and go somewhere else.

Living The Christian Life
Rom 12:21 (NIV) Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Jesus isn’t talking about you staying in an abusive marriage relationship; He is talking about you ACCIDENTLY running into an evil person. You have the right to get away from an abusive spouse and live somewhere else. While you are living somewhere else, pray for those who mistreat you. While you are living somewhere else, Do not be overcome by evil. Don’t stay in a situation and be overcome by evil; but, overcome evil with good. From a safe distance, do as many good things for them as you can.

Win/Win Situations
Eph 4:15 (NIV) Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into Him Who is the Head, that is, Christ. Even though you are not in an abusive situation, you and your spouse must not conduct yourselves unfairly. While speaking the truth IN LOVE, You both are responsible for holding each other to a higher standard. But, that can easily turn into arguments, fault-finding, hurt feelings, and both of you creating unfair situations. You can see that you will need guidance on how to properly use the provisions and training of Jesus.

Jesus wants to teach you and empower you with great concepts of wisdom that will help you and your spouse start building a wonderful relationship. As you skillfully (through Jesus’ help and training) apply Biblical principles to the relationship, you will NEITHER sacrifice yourself or your spouse. Sometimes Jesus will have you do things your partner may not LIKE but will NEED. Other times you will be doing things you don’t LIKE but NEED to be doing. There will be Jesus-ideas pop into your head that will be perfect for the situation. There will be miracles that start happening in the circumstances and character of you and your partner.

It Takes Jesus Training
For those who are willing to read and study God’s Word, He is willing to bless them with special help, power, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. Jesus will teach you things you need to learn so those concepts can help your marriage grow into a relationship that is far better that you ever imagined.

Some marriage partners see their spouse become a student of the things of God and respond to them in a very positive and accepting manner. Others take a long time; while others never make the change. It would be wonderful if all spouses would join their partner in following the principles of God. The important thing for you to keep in mind is how much Jesus is helping you. No matter what your partner decides to do, you will still need all the blessings, miracles, and transformation Jesus will provide you.

It Takes Time With Jesus
If you decide to not pursue these studies because your spouse refuses to do the same, it is true that will definitely punish and hurt them; but, it will also hurt you. You are on the brink of the most powerful and wonderful set of life-concepts available in all the world. Even if your spouse never changes or gains any benefits from your studies, YOU will be incredibly blessed by Jesus’ principles.

Jesus will show you what to do as you go through each phase of your relationship with your spouse. Rather than you trying to base your decisions on advice from friends, magazines, TV programs, and books by people who really don’t have a clue as to what marriage is all about, you will be guided by the Creator of the universe. He created mankind and He invented marriage. He is the only One Who can make your life the very best it can possibly be no matter what happens in your life.

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Marriage Issues
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